Friday, July 31

..and that's Life, baby.

I am seriously in love with my Life right now!! I got some food with my sister last night, and then came home and read for a few hours. Actually feel asleep at a decent time (around 1am) and got some much deserved rest :-) woke up at 9am tho haha

Somehow, I'm coming down with a cold. blah. Summer colds suck haha got me feelin' sicker than a dog haha but I've been chuggin' down this hot tea, and eatting cough drops like candy hah!!

I was screwin' around on the computer and found a JAZZY beat that I couldn't turn off repeat haha so I decided to write to it. Hadn't written a song in a while but it felt (and went) great!! Before I knew it... I had 2 verses and a hook finished :-D so I figured might as well record it, right?? Jumped into the studio and before noon had made a hit record.

I just uploaded it to my SoundClick page and made it the Song of the Day. It's called "Good As Could Be" and I'd love to hear your feedback on it! I reeeaally like this one :-D it's so heartfelt. The beat is some smooth, hiphoppy shit. The hook is real hypnotizing. And the verses are pure poetry, no way around it. The song reflects my new found positivity, and showcases how happy I am with my Life. "Look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807 - 1882)

After I finished the new track, I made me and my dad some lunch. Did some errands around the house, and then sat in my backyard in the shade and worked on my book :-D what a great day!! I see the World so differently now ha I find beauty in everything I look at. I was looking at the birds fly around for about an hour today haha just watching them and the squirrels and the clouds and the trees. Life is gorgeous. It's breath-taking!

I'm bout to take a shot of NyQuil and get some rest before work. Hopefully I can kill this cold before it starts haha ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND folks!!

Thursday, July 30

I'ma go and keep it going.

Work went good last night... got outta there around 7am. Came home and went rollerblading for an hour, and then worked out for a little bit before going to sleep. I woke up around noon, which was great. Gave me plenty of time to get things done :-D

I made some lunch and did a few errands around the house, then headed uptown. I always feel like such a beatnik in that coffee shop haha but fk it, right? I got a lot of work done on my book, too!! I'm gonna sit down with my editor on Monday and go over what I've got so far. He's been doing some research too, so I'm real excited to see what we can come up with!

Talked to somebody that I haven't talked to in ages (it feels like) but it was nice :-D

I've gotten a lot of messages about that book I read. I learned about the Secret thru a friend from high school. Honestly, we weren't even that close in school haha and she's since moved down to the Caribbean haha but we talk online. I had told her how depressed and frustrated I was with my Life, and she told me to read it. And as I've said, it's been Life changing!! Goes to show you how people that seem insignificant can make a major impact on your Life.

With that being said.. I dunno HOW you know me or WHY you read this blog but take it as a sign. I could never repay the favor that friend did for me but I can try and pay it forward!

One of the major themes of this book is visualization... and, being able to manifest things into your Life by thinking of them as real. Feeling as if they already exist. For example, when I think about this book I'm writing... I don't worry about what I'm going to write next. Or, how I'm going to get it published. I just think about holding the book in my hands. I visualize the embossed artwork on the cover.. and I can feel my hands opening the book and fingering thru the pages. I can read the words. From that, the book has been practically writing itself!!

I know it probably sounds insane... but it's the truth! And it works with everything!! Visualize what you want and where you want to be, and your mind will take you there!! "The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind." - William James (1842 - 1910)

I've got the night off, so I'm bout to go meet up with my sister for some dinner. I must say, these past few weeks has been awesome for me. I can really feel my Life coming together into something beautiful. Pulling itself into exactly what I've always wanted :-D and each day I wake up excited to see where it will take me!

Wednesday, July 29

I'm happier than ever (don't worry about me)

There's something liberating about hard work. Physically pushing yourself to exhaustion. Mentally going for hours and hours. It's tiresome, but it's equally incredible! The gratification I feel after working a long day at both jobs... it's indescribable.

I got off work this morning around 730ish, and went for a nice long jog in the rain. The rain felt so cool on my skin I only stopped ONCE to walk a block; whereas I usually walk a block after every 5-10 blocks I run. Today I just kept going. Like a machine. Kept pushing. Kept telling myself GO and kept telling my legs to M O V E even though my muscles felt like they were on fire haha like my veins were pumping battery acid! My bones were screaming at me haha begging me to stop but I couldn't. And, it felt great. Got back home and banged out 200 push-ups and then took a shower.

Shaved the beard off today ;-) had to for my job. It's weird tho, I haven't had a clean face since I was able to grow a beard haha but change is good.

I laid around in bed for an hour or so and read my book before going in to the second job :-D we were super busy so time flew by and before ya know it, 2pm rolled around and I was headed home. Once I got home, I ate some lunch and finished that book "The Secret" that I've been reading. It's honestly life changing and (again) I recommend it to you all!!

It has taught me a LOT about how to deal with things that get thrown at you. Sometimes, life doesn't seem "fair" haha but that's the wrong way to think about it. "Retribution often means that we eventually do to ourselves what we have done unto others." - Eric Hoffer (1902 - 1983)

When you really open your eyes, and reshape your thinking... you realize the intense power of the Universe and how it uses the natural laws of attraction to give us everything we ask for!! If you spend all of your time, dwelling in negativity, than you will be drawn to negative people, events, & circumstances. If you instead choose to focus on life's positive forces, then you will find a whole new World of opportunities. You can't allow yourself to be trapped in your surroundings. JUST KNOW, real power comes from with-in. We are divine, and only we are the creators of our own destiny!!

"Follow your bliss, and the Universe will open doors for you where there were only walls." - Joseph Campbell

It's as simple as doing what makes you happy. What makes you smile? What gives you joy? Whatever it is... DO IT! Because, if you are constantly living in a state of joy and happiness, you will only attract more positive things to you. People will look at you and ask, "what does he know that I don't?"

It's easy.

Our current reality is only the result of our past thoughts and actions. We're constantly living in the residual. For instance, I use to look in the mirror and say "this is who I am" but that's WRONG!! That's not who I am that's who I was. When you define yourself by your current state of affairs (which are really just the outcome of our past) then you doom yourself to have nothing more than the same in the future. "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" - Buddha (563 BC-483 BC)

You've got to think about who you want to be. Think about what you want to be doing, and where you want to be headed. Then, feel as if you are already there. Don't just wish it into the future, but actually make it your current reality. The mind is a powerful (and often untapped resource.) USE IT!!

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't; either way, you're right." - Henry Ford (1863-1947)

I've gotta go to work soon, but I hope you seriously consider what I'm asking you to do. It's simple. It's confidential. And it will change your life.

Just think about being happy. Just feel happy.

Realize that who you are right now is different than who you were when you started reading this blog. And, who you are right now is different than who you were when you woke up. And, who you were last week is different than who you were last night. And realize that, who you will be an hour from now is different from who you are right now.

But it's all up to you to decide who that is.

Tuesday, July 28

My heart is one of a kind.

It was so nice to have the night off yesterday! I stayed up with my friend until about 5am haha talking and catching up on everything thats going on in our lives. It's awesome when you can hangout with somebody you haven't seen in a long time, and it feels like you haven't even missed a beat. Like you just seen eachother the other day hah

But time doesn't exist, anyways. I guess it's all in your heart really. I'm trying my hardest to be Loving and honest and friendly to everybody... regardless of how long it's been since I've seen them. The harder we love, the harder we get loved back. It is not enough to just try and be grateful. You must feel grateful. You must put in that energy. "We do not believe if we do not live and work according to our belief." - Heidi Wills

I'm realizing the power of our own thoughts.. and the laws of attraction. The words "I am.." are some of the strongest statements you can make, but cause you are expressing your feelings and thoughts as FACT. So, instead of saying "I am tired" or "I am angry" or "I am broke" try and use these powerful words to your advantage. Declare "I am happy" and "I am healthy" and "I am abundant" and you will see your day filled with positive energy.

Our reality is all inside of our mind. And what you believe, you will recieve. Remember, "99% of who we are is invisible and untouchable." - R. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)

I lounged around the house today haha finally woke up around 3pm and went for a mid-afternoon jog. Got home and fkd around with my iTunes a little bit... then made some food. I've gotta work 10pm-7am tonight, then 9am-2pm tmrw morning at my second job... and then 10pm-8am again tmrw night! SO with that being said, I'm trying to catch up on some Zzzz's today because I'm gonna need em!!!

Monday, July 27

I've learned from my mistakes

Maaaaannn.... a handful of people called off tonight, so work was AWFUL!! Haha okay it wasn't that bad, but I did end up putting in a 10hr shift just to get everything done. On the bright side, I stayed so busy that the time flew by! Got off work and went for my morning work out.. then came home and collapsed in my bed :-D

I'm still "new" to this job technically but my managers seem to love me already, and all of them have individually expressed that it's nice to have me on the team. A couple of co-workers even mentioned that they love working with me because they know things are going to get done! HAHA felt great to hear, honestly. Everybody gets along real well (for the most part) and my work actually feels appreciated there. It's nice.

I've just tried to stay focused on being positive.. and I've noticed how it's affected my life already! People at my jobs are always telling me: "you're way too happy to be here" haha but WHYNOT?! Some people would love to have a job why can't I be grateful for mine?? It's truly amazing how powerful your positivity can be. Even something as simple as a smile. Or when people ask you: "How's it going?" I use to always just respond "ehh, it's going" and laugh it off haha but now? It doesn't matter whats been going on thru-out my day; if somebody askes me "how's it going?" I tell them Great! We should be happy that somebody even takes the time to ask!!!

Some people seem so caught up in their own negative energy that they create a miserable World for themselves. Life is only what you make it, folks. I've learned that the hard way.

"How can you ever expect somebody to enjoy your company, if you don't enjoy your own?" - James Ray

After I woke up, I spent some time reading.. and then headed up to the coffee shop in town to work on my book a little bit. Did some online promotion, and updated the website. I still need to work on the calender, and the e-store. It was pointed out to me that I should include a tracklisting for all the CDs. I think that's a great idea and I'm going to get that done ASAP!!

My dad went outta town for the night, so I made a pizza for me and my mom to eat for dinner. I spent all day, thinking I had to work tonight... but while I was in the kitchen I checked my schedule and WHOOHOO realized I had the day off!! It completely took me by suprise haha! Around 8pm, my sister and her fiance stopped by the house; so I got a chance to chill out with the family. Her wedding is coming soooo soon I can't believe it!! We're all grown up now, that's forsure. It's been such a crazy, exciting year for my entire family haha!

Now? I'm just relaxing and reading some more of this book :-D enjoying my unexpected day off. I just got a txt from an old friend... I think she's about to come over within the next hour. I haven't seen her in.. probably, 7 months?! DAMN time flys when you really try and think about it haha but it'll be so nice to hang out and catch up on everything. Sounds like we've both had an eventful year hahaha

"The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want." - Ben Stein

Hope you all enjoy your night :-) praise Jah bless today!!

Sunday, July 26

Some things are just meant to be

After work, went jogging in the rain today haha it was pretty awesome. Got done with my workout and went right to sleep haha I really needed some rest, I didn't get much sleep last night and I worked at both jobs.

Once I woke up, I did a couple things online and updated the websites. Song of the Day is "I'm Straight" a remix of the T.I. song by the same name. The track is a year-or-so old but I still love crankin' it out!! It's an upbeat story about how I've turned my life around.. regardless of the adversity and nay-sayers! The song is off the Son of David mixtape and can also be downloaded online for free.. check it out!!

I've been reading more of this book "The Secret," and realizing a lot about the power of Love and gratitude. I'm learning to love everybody and everything. Even the smallest of things. Even the annoyances. You can never be fully loved until you can really love yourself and love all others! "Let grace and goodness be the principal loadstone of thy affections. For love which hath ends, will have an end; whereas that which is founded on true virtue, will always continue." - John Dryden (1631 - 1700)

I did a few errands around the house today, and then hungout with one of the fellas. I just got a new watch as a gift yesterday (it looks balllllin!!!) so I made my way to the Westland mall to get some links taken out. Since we were in the area, I decided to hit up Famous Daves to get some messy bbq for dinner. Mmm mm mmmm!!! I hadn't eatten there in so long!

It was nice to get out and catch up with my buddy. Good food and great conversation! "One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I am having a good time." - Nancy Astor (1879 - 1964)

On the way home, stopped a looked at a few houses :-D it's gonna be awesome when I get my own place!!! I can't wait, honestly. I can't wait to move in, and arrange things exactly how I want them haha and paint and decorate and buy a bunch of shit hahahah I literally do not stop thinking about it haha!! I even day dream about mowing the lawn hahaha!! "Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." - Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849)

This book is teaching me to visualize and to think of things as mine, instead of thinking about how much I "want them." If you only think "someday, I want this;" or "soon I want to get that," then you are forever putting it in to the future. You're putting it out of your reach. Think of it as yours, and you shall receive it!!

Today was my last day working a double until Wednesday :-D so I'll get a chance to catch up on some Zzz's and get a few things done around the house! It's about that time to go pack a lunch and get ready for work, tho. Hope you all had a great weekend and hope you have a good Monday!

Saturday, July 25

Oh no, it never really stops going!

Runnin' on NO sleep hahah I got off work this morning around 7am and went for my usual work out. Had to be at my second job by 9am so I just stayed up and went right after my shower.

I was pretty exhausted by the time I got out of work around 2pm but I had caught my "second wind" and decided to stay awake for a few more hours. The sun was shining... I felt great, and honestly I had a REAL BAD CRAVING for some Mexican food haha so I went out to eat with a buddy and we got a Mexican chicken pizza :-D

After the grub, went house hunting some more. There are SO MANY places out there it's awesome knowing the choice is mine!! It's definitely a buyer's market. Before going home, we swung by the Laurel Park mall and poked around for a little bit.

Between the new house, the new jobs, and everything going on in my personal life... I never would have guessed I would feel this great! "Never say never, for if you live long enough, chances are you will not be able to abide by its restrictions. Never is a long, undependable time, and life is too full of rich possibilities to have restrictions placed upon it." - Gloria Swanson (1899 - 1983)

This book I've been reading has really taught me a lot about the power of possibilities; and the opportunities that exist in optimism! It's easier said than done, but we need to focus more on the immediate moments we occupy, instead of constantly worrying about the future or the past. If you can make a conscious effort to be happy NOW, then every minute you live will be in happiness!! It's like the headlights of a car. They only shine for 100-200ft at the most. But even with the dimmest of headlights, you can drive from NYC to LA in the pitch dark! The same goes for life!! "Take the first step in faith. You don't have the see the entire staircase. Just the first step." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968)

I'm gonna lay down to read, and tryn get some sleep before going to work tonight. Hope you all are enjoying your weekend as much as I am! Don't forget to S M I L E

Friday, July 24

Put it in motion.

I had to wake up around 730am today to continue my management training at the second job. Not too bad... I was only there for about 5 hours. Seems like it's going to be a cool job, and it'll be really nice to get the experience under my belt!

After work, I came home and jumped into the studio for a little bit. Skipped my workout today :-x but I had a lot of things I wanted to get done!! "Days off" is over haha now it's time to start working doubles everyday.

I spent most of the day relaxing, reading this new book. I'll elaborate more later but DAMN this is interesting. AGAIN: I really recommend you all go find a copy for yourself. It's called "The Secret," by Rhonda Byrne (AND THANKS AGAIN to Ashley for pointing me in the right direction :-D it is as awesome as you said it would be)

Today's new Song of the Day is called "Surf" and it's probably one of my favorite songs of all time. I dunno how to describe the mood I was in when I wrote/recorded this track.. but the music perfectly captures the feelings I had. It's another positive vibe hiphop song with an uplifting, hopeful message. (In my humble opinion) the beat, the hook, and my delivery on the verses all work so well together!!

Took a little time to go house hunting today :-D jeez I really love my life right now!! It feels like all the blocks are falling in to place around me! I've just gotta remain focused, and keep my sights set on where I want to be a year from now. Gotta keep putting it in motion! "The person who makes a success of living is the one who see his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication." - Cecil B. DeMille (1881 - 1959)

Time to take a nap before work tonight! I hope you all enjoy the weekend, and have a little fun for me haha I'll be there in spirit!!! "The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them." - Denis Watley

Thursday, July 23

Too good to be true haha

OFCOURSE I couldn't enjoy two days off in a row haha my second job called me last night and wanted me to start my orientation and training today haha blah I guess it's better to have gotten started instead of waiting for Monday. AND it was early, so I got it done and out of the way.

Last night was a blast!! It was so nice to get out and see some old friends that I haven't talked to in forever... let em know whats going on in my life, and hear all about theirs. PLUS it's always nice meeting new people :-D

After work this morning, I came home and worked out... then took a shower and took a little nap :-) felt nice and lazy hahah but as soon as I woke up, I got back to being productive. Updated the websites, did some online promo, and changed the Song of the Day. Today's song is "Anythang" and it features Devin the Dude and Rick James.

Yes, Rick James!!

I really love the combination of the three of us. Devin kills the hook, and then the little interlude by Rick James (old style Rick) is awesome he really belts it out! The song is all about being appreciative of what you have, and realizing how lucky you are. I've learned that Gratitude is a powerful thing to possess. If you aren't thankful for what you already have... you'll never get what you want! R E A L T A L K

On the advice of a friend from high school, I went up to the library and rented the book "The Secret." I had never heard of it, but she kept ranting and raving about it.. so I figured I would give it a shot. Let me just say, so far it's awesome!! If you've never read it, I suggest you go find a copy for yourself. It's fairly short, and a very easy read. I'm not too far into it yet, but it's already got me thinking a lot!!

After the library, I got a little bit of writing done today; and then headed out to eat with my sister. It was nice, because we both invited some friends and it turned into a giant shindig haha taking over the resturant and eatting together mafia style. Plus, it was a good chance for her to meet some of my friends she's never met, and vise versa. I'm so thankful for all the good people in my life right now! "Being friendless taught me how to be a friend. Funny how that works." - Colleen Wainwright, Communicatrix

Wednesday, July 22

I deserve a day to relax..

Work went by soooo s l o w today hah but Ahhhh it feels great knowing I have the next two days off :-D I've been workin' my ass off these past two weeks!! AND, I gotta chance to sell some CD's at work today haha stayin' on the grizzy.

Went jogging and then snooozed until noonish. When I woke up, I went uptown and did some promo... then headed to the coffee shop and updated the website. Gotta love WiFi ;-) My dad met up with me and we got some lunch, which was nice. It's always good to hangout with pops.

Song of the Day is "Hold U Down" featuring Trey Songz.. and it's about the perfect type of relationship where your girl supports you thru the thick and thin. It's an old song, but I still crank it out because the hook is so damn hot hah Trey sings his ass off... and, the overall vibe is nice and chill. Ladies, this one is for you

Finished a few things in the studio, and then did a couple errands around the house. I haven't gotten as much done as I wanted to, but I'm definitely enjoying my day off!! About to get cleaned up and go meet up with a couple people for dinner!

"I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation." - George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)

Tuesday, July 21

It don't take a whole day to recognize sunshine

Ahh.. I had such a great work out today!! I went jogging for, what seemed like, forever. Then I got home and did my work out (some crunchs and push-ups) until my body felt DEAD haha. I'm really falling in love with my morning work outs. I like pushing myself as far as I can haha knowing that it's not going to kill me, the pain seems almost.. enjoyable. Let's me get out all my anger and frusteration haha. Work went by so fast, and I wasn't tired when I got home; so I worked out, showered, and made some breakfast. Watched the sun rise :-D

I worked on my book for a few hours before I decided it would probably be best to try and fall asleep haha sure enough didn't wake up until 3pm hahah

Since I woke up so late, it was a pretty uneventful day. I uploaded a few more songs to the SoundClick, and officially kicked off the "Song of the Day" today. Today's song was "Guarenteed Fresh" a track I did awhile ago but I L O V E it like I just recorded it yesterday hah. It's an original beat too, so I'll probably use it as the single for the "Return of the Redeye" mixtape. It's a song, all about how many songs I have haha and how all my shit is guarenteed to be fresh. Both, fresh like it's the shit and fresh like it's brand new.

For a while there, I was recording 3-5 songs a week!!! hahah It was nuts.

After I updated the website, I did a little promo for the SOTD and then started writing for another collaberation I'm doing. I can't wait to have the next two days off work haha I've got tons to finish up. I've been CRAZY busy but I love it haha already got the rest of this week booked up and then this weekend is going to be packed, too!! PLUS, booked another show for August 8th so I'm gonna post the details about that tmrw. whew It's true what they say: "If you observe a really happy man, you will find... that he is happy in the course of living life twenty-four crowded hours each day." - W. Beran Wolfe

Tomorrows agenda: wake up early, update the website, online promo during the early afternoon, and street team around 4-5pm for a few hours... then back to my place for a studio session. Out for pizza and house hunting with the fellas after 7pm-ish.. then ANOTHER studio session in the evening. I'll probably stay up super late haha so maybe more online promo after midnight?? I dunno hah it'll work itself out!

FOR NOW? Back to work haha "There's no business like show business, but there are several businesses like accounting." - David Letterman (1947 - )

Monday, July 20

Anything is plenty, man.

After a nice, slow, relaxing day at work... I came home and went for a little jog. I've gotta work two more days and then I finally get some time off!! Whoohoo!!! I won't know what to do with myself haha (even tho I've already started a "to-do" list of things I gotta get done)

I've already started to create a little bit of a name for myself at work haha I just like talking to people and I try to have fun when I'm there, thats all. Meeting a lot of new friends, tho. I guess that I've always had that type of personality.. explode in to any new situation and put myself out there haha. "There are two types of people in this World--those who come into a room and say, 'Ah, there you are' and those who come in and say, Well, here I am!" - Frederick L Collins

Got home, and took a shower after my work out; then laid in bed for awhile.. playing on the computer. I got off work a few hours earlier than usual (5am instead of 7am haha) so I wasn't really super tired. Wasted some time doing some online promotion... as always. You know what it is ;-) FINALLY fell asleep

Woke up around 2pm and did a few chores around the house before I headed up to the coffee shop. I feel like such a beatnik when I'm up there haha but fk it they've got cheap Chai tea and free WiFi so I'm there. Uploaded a TON of pictures to my PhotoBucket account so go and check em out if you get bored later... some old, some new. I'm about to do a photo shoot for the new album... gotta get some nice flicks for the promotionals. ALSO; added 14 new songs to the SoundClick haha I'm gonna start doing a "Song of the Day" so be prepared for that!! I've got so many songs that none of you have even heard!!! I figure it's time to start putting em online to give you all a taste of the mixtapes. I've been R E A L L Y pushing myself back in to this music shit. With everything thats going on in my personal life, and everything going on in my professional life... I've been super stressed hah but "Unease lies on the head that wears a crown" so I just need to keep going and going and going and not quit. Greatness is a hard summit to reach. But it all starts with the first step, you know??

Got home around 5ish and chilled around the house until a buddy came and picked me up. Went out and got some dinner before work... talked some business on this house I'm about to get :-D

Insider trading is a mfker hahah!!!

And now, it's about time to go to work. All-in-all, it was a great day! I work again on Tuesday and then I've got Wednesday and Thursday off so I'll be in downtown Plymouth handing out promo and selling CD's. . . if you're gonna be in the area, you should swing thru and say 'whadddup' to me! Before I go, I gotta leave you all with this great quote I just found: "Whether you know it or not, you are already there--You are the beauty, the power, the wisdom, the passion, the knowledge, the fire, the calm, the heart and the soul. You are the Star of your, all you have to do is let yourself shine!" - Unknown

Sunday, July 19

Head held high, and my names on the line.

I was all excited to get off work and enjoy my Sunday off haha but right before I punched out, my manager asked if I wanted to pick up another shift. They must really like me over there hahaha and I must really like money because I said yes. That makes 8 days in a row now, I've worked. blah :-p

Skipped my work out again and just went straight to bed. I was exhausted!! I really need to quit doing that tho haha I always feel so guilty when I'm laying in bed before I fall asleep.. just thinking to myself: I probably could have still worked out haha it's nothing too extreme and it feels great when I'm finished. I just need to push myself a little extra some days. It's good discipline. "Facing it, always facing it, that's the way to get through. Face it." - Joseph Conrad (1857 - 1924)

It was a pretty uneventful day hah I woke up around 2pm and had some of the fellas come over to chill. Played some video games and made some beats until about 6pm... and then I ate dinner with the family. It was a nice, lazy Sunday haha even though I gotta work tonight. I planned on getting some stuff done today but since I picked up an extra shifted I ended up just relaxing until 8ish :-/ tmrw I'm gonna make a point to get some more things done. I haven't worked on writing my book in a while... been caught up in this music and work.

I officially start my second job next Monday.. which gives me a week of "free time" (when I'm not already working) to get a few things accomplished before I get REALLY busy and start working 60-80hrs a week. Yes... 60-80 hours. Of work. Per week. Can't wait to see these checks haha!! PLUS (after seeing how this new job goes) I might get a 3rd job bartending on Fridays and Saturdays. The opportunity has came up and it would be nice to cash out $700-$800 for two days worth of work. But who knows?? I wanna get comfortable with these two jobs before I take on a third. I know I'm taking on a full plate but theres a lot of things I want right now haha and even more things I need. So, with that being said... it's grind time! "Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else." - James M. Barrie (1860 - 1937)

I've been in a great mood the past 2 weeks and I don't want it to end haha finally starting to feel "normal" again after being so depressed for awhile. It's nice! You know what they say, don't you?? "Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open." - John Barrymore (1882 - 1942)

Saturday, July 18

Might as well roll with it...

I had a really good day at work but BOY am I tired haha I got home and went for a quick jog but the battery on my iPod died out, so I headed home hah. My managers at work must really like me tho hahah because they keep giving me extra hours, which is awesome. They asked if I wanted to work Saturday night and I couldn't say no..

"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." - Henry J. Kaiser (1882 - 1967)

But that means my "weekend off" is not happening hah. Oh well, I need the money anyways.

"Drunk Dials" has slipped back down to #237 today :-/ which isn't bad at all BUT IT'S NOT #1 haha so I'm gonna have to hit the promo EXTRA HARD tmrw!! I got real excited when I seen it hit #288 and I kinda started slippin' (to be honest) hahaha but I can't let up!! I can't get "comfortable." Goes to show you how important each and every day is. Each and every play counts.. and if I don't get to #1, somebody else will. Period.

On the bright side, I got asked to be apart of a showcase on Sept 12th.. so I'll be giving out all the details as soon as I get em. Originally, I was asked to be in the showcase for August 1st but I'm already scheduled to work and I don't really wanna give up the hours; so I had to ask to be in next months show, instead of the one coming up. Either way, it'll give me more time to prepare and promote ;-)

I'll update the calender tmrw after work.. I wanna add some street team days, too. I'll be in downtown Plymouth next week on my days off, selling CD's and handing out handbills again. It went so well last time, that I'm going to make it a point to go down their atleast a few times a month and spend a couple hours putting in work. Nothing beats face to face promotion..

After I woke up, I showered and did some work in the studio.... mixing and mastering some songs I already got recorded. I'm trying to organize the archives a little bit but theres so many damn songs haha it's gonna take some time/work. It'll be nice to have finished, tho. That way, I can put all the finished sessions on my external hard drive, and clear up some space on the studio.

I'm gonna add some more tracks to the SoundClick tmrw so check it out when you get a chance.

Before work, I went out for dinner with my sister and brother-in-law. It's been awhile since we've all had a chance to go out, so that was nice to see them and catch up for a little bit. They didn't come over until 6:30pm tho, so we had to cut it kinda short so that I could make it home in time to get ready and get to work.

Ugh. Another day in the life ;-) hahah

Friday, July 17

It's something I'm use to by now.

I feel like a slacker hah I skipped my work out this morning but fk it I was exhausted. I've been goin' on 4 or 5 hrs of sleep and my body can't take much more of it haha.

Woke up and felt pretty refreshed and energized it was nice. Showered, ate a snack, and started working on some beats. I've gotta lot of unfinished collaborations to get finished so I've been trying to tighten up some loose ends. It'll be nice once I'm done, tho. Thru all this online promo I've been doing, I have met a lot of cool cats from all over the place! It can't hurt to have songs all over the state haha

Pretty uneventful day, honestly haha ate dinner with the fam, and then played some video games and did some online promotion before work. I've been trying to switch MySpaces over to my new music page... but adding all my friends from the old page is a pain in my ass!! haha I never understood how some people could spend all day on there but now I've come to realize hah it's such a time consuming process

If you're reading this and HAVEN'T added me as a friend on there... do so, please? it'll save me some time in the long run. Thanks to everybody whose been showin' me love on there, too! I appreciate all the support!!

I added a couple new songs online today but DON'T FORGET to go and play that track "Drunk Dials" a few times ;-) it's ranked #224 now but I WANNA GET #1 AND I'M GONNA NEED YOUR HELP! All it takes is a minute, so crank it!! All you gotta do is go to and then spread the word.. pass the link along to all your friends and family let 'em know how we do it!!!

Alright, time to go pack a lunch and get ready for work. If you've got some time off, ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND everybody!! Go to the beach, or go see a movie or concert, or do SOMETHING hhah and enjoy it with me in mind!! I'll be working, but I'll be there with you in spirit!! "Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally is just the by-product of other activities." - Aldous Huxley (1894 - 1963)

Thursday, July 16

Stand tall, and you'll never fall short!

Geez, I'm exhausted hah! I worked a few extra hours last night, and didn't get home until 8ish. For whatever reason.. I wasn't very tired, so I went rollerblading around town and worked out once I got back home. I know it sounds insane to work out after working a 10hr shift but honestly I know if I put it off until "after I wake up" then I'd never do it haha

Once I got done taking a shower.. the sun was up and I was wide awake hah so I jumped online and fkd around for a little bit.

I surfed over to my SoundClick page to see that "Drunk Dials" had jumped up to #289 over night!! THAT'S AWESOME!! Thanks so much to everybody who has been crankin' that shit out!! It's amazing to see who really supports you when you need it. Sometimes, the people you think are closest to you will let you down... and the people you'd never expect to see, come running into battle with you! At this rate, we'll definitely hit #1!

It's natural to doubt ourselves sometimes. We're all guilty of it. But every once and a while.. something will happen that reaffirms everything we've been doing. And I've just had that happen to me today haha after seeing all the love and support you guys have given me.. I remember why I started rapping in the first place. I REP PLYMOUTH-CANTON TO THE FULLEST and nobody can tell me different haha I DO THIS FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! I'ma let all the nay-sayers talk hah it doesn't bother me anymore. I've come to realize that if they're talking about you.. regardless of what they say.. you must be pretty important to them hahaha

I may not be a genius haha and no, I'm not the greatest rapper in the World but I do my best, damnit haha and that's all that any of us can do. "Try to learn something about everything, and everything about something." - Thomas H. Huxley (1825 - 1895)

Due to my insomnia, I stayed up until noon.. fkn with some graphics and writing to this new beat I just got emailed to me. I probably could have stayed up later, but I figured it was time to take my ass to bed and TRY to fall asleep. ha

I woke up SUPER LATE hah well a lot later than I wanted to. Ended up having to cancel some plans I had for the afternoon but it was going to be impossible to fit everything in. I was suppose to have the day off today, but last night my manager asked if I wanted to pick up an extra shift and I (obviously) said yes.

So once I crawled out of bed (around 5pm haha) I cut my hair, took a shower, and started reading a little bit. I've definitely been slacking on this book hah but there never seems to be enough hours in the day. It'll be interesting to see what my schedule is like once I start this second job tmrw.

After eatting some dinner with the fam, a buddy of mine came over and we played some video games before I had to go to work. Since I woke up so late... the entire day flew by; and before I knew it, 9 o'clock was rolling around :-/

"Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not. It is the first lesson that ought to be learned; and however early a man's training begins, it is probably the last lesson that he learns thoroughly." - Thomas H. Huxley (1825 - 1895)

Wednesday, July 15

Yeah, I'm feelin' kinda bossy.

"The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way" - Unknown

Like I've said before... you never know what the day could bring! I woke up and went for my usual morning run/work out.. then came home and hungout around the house a little bit with my pops. After lunch, I jumped online and started hitting the promo.

SoundClick is running a contest right now to see who can hold the #1 billboard position for 10 days so I figured I would try and direct some traffic to my page. It's been awhile (since the Wolf Gang Radio days) that I've promoted the SoundClick site but fk it. I didn't really have a specific song in mind, just wanted to get people listening to the new tunes. There's tons to choose from.

Well I kept getting alot of positive feedback on the song "Drunk Dials" so I check my stats and HOLY SHIT it was already ranked #844 out of 1,702,538 songs!!! Looks like thats gonna be my cash cow haha so I started promoting ever MORE for that song!

Getting to the #1 spot seems very possible! Especially considering the lead it's already taken!

SOOOO with that being said.. (if you haven't already) surf over to and listen to my song "Drunk Dials" it's a silly ass song but the beat knocks and people seem to love it! SPREAD THE WORD too!! Pass the link along to all your friends who might be interested.. I need all the plays I can get! There's a whole lot of free music available so check me out ;-)

It feels great to be involved with music again. For a while there, I kinda lost my fire but I'M BACK, baby!! And it seems like I've got the ball rolling again so I just need to stick with the momentum and see where it takes me. This music shit might just seem like a hobby or whatever but IT'S MY LIFE really I'm so in love with music. And, I feel like.. if I really stick with it, I have a good shot at living my dream!

I know it won't be easy. But, I'm ready to put in whatever it takes!! There are a million mfkrs out there who want the same things as me, but I've just got to stay focused and consistant, and bring something MORE to the table. "To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act." - Anatole France (1844 - 1924)

I've been doing this rap shit for about 5 years now (taking it seriously for 3) and it's been an incredible journey. I've learned a lot about life, and even more about myself. And I know that even if I don't ever become super rich and famous, I'll always have great memories. I'll always beable to say I gave it my all. I've come so far.. failure isn't even possible. I've already succeeded more than I ever expected!!! "The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance - and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning." - Oprah Winfrey (1954 - )

It's almost time to pack up my lunch and get ready for work... so I gotta pull myself away from this damn contraption haha! I use to talk a bunch of shit about FaceBook.. until I got one haha but I love it now. It's so nice to get back in touch with old friends. MySpace is good for promo and bullshit like that, but FaceBook is so much more personal. It's awesome! And, it's been great to talk to people I haven't seen (or heard from) in years.

It's wild but today marks 2 months of my new, sober lifestyle. The last 60 days have been crazy (to say the least) but if I've learned anything, it's this. "You have no control over what the other guy does. You only have control over what you do." - A. J. Kitt

Take care of yourself.

Tuesday, July 14

Back on the train, again.

"I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them." - Isaac Asimov (1920 - 1992)

With that being said... DAMN, I'm in love with my new computer hahahah!!! I fell asleep with it in bed, next to me like it was a new puppy I just got or something haha what a nerd.

Woke up and went jogging (as usual) kinda whimped out tho so I'm going to make a point to push myself even further tmrw. Once I got home and showered, I headed up into downtown Plymouth to the coffee shop for some lunch and Wi-Fi. Felt like such a fkn yuppie haha but it was great. All these people were on their gigantic, ancient looking laptops and then as soon as I bust out my new netbook I get all the oohhs and aahhs you'd expect from a fireworks show hah

Jealousy is a weak emotion but shiiit even I'd be jealous of me!

I was able to get in some solid online promotion and networking today. Updated the website and SoundClick a little bit... and even booked 2 shows! Yeah, ya boy was productive. NOTE TO ALL: sorry if you feel like I'm spamming you but it's not spam don't take it personal. It's just a young man, trying his hardest to spread the word. I got a lot of real good music.. I just need to put it into people's ears! If you're still offended, then fk off haha you don't understand me (or what I'm trying to do) and you probably ain't my friend anyways :-p

My dad went outta town today so I took my mom out for dinner it was nice. We just went down the street and got some pizza but it was cool to spend some time alone just the two of us... talk about everything thats going on in our lives. She seems so stressed with work and I'm stressed with just about everything hah but we were able to just relax and share some laughs.

ENJOYING MY DAYS OFF, that's forsure.

Got home and played some video games for a little bit.. then turned on the All-Star game, got back online and hit the promo again. I kept telling myself that I would get more done with a laptop; so now that I have one, there is no excuse.

Around 11ish I put on a beat and wrote a new track :-D it turned out great! A real banger about not wanting the club to close haha I'll probably record it tmrw before I go to work.

I can feel myself turning around and becoming more positive. I can notice the small, simple changes in my day to day life. It's pretty awesome, actually. I'm actually SMILING more haha and LAUGHING more.

Smiles+laughs=recipe for good living.

THANK YOU to everybody who has been giving me such good support and advice recently. You'll never understand how much I appreciate it!! Everybody comes to points in their life where they get tested. But it's not a matter of pass or fail... it's all about putting in your best effort, and refusing to quit. As soon as you finish one test, another will be thrown at you. You've got to reserve your strength for the long haul. NOTHING is stronger than the will to keep going. "Be fit for more than the thing you are now doing. Let everyone know that you have a reserve in yourself; that you have more power than you are now using. If you are not too large for the place you occupy, you are too small for it." - James A. Garfield (1831 - 1881)

I'm not too sure what my future holds (I'm not Miss Cleo) but I'm learning to embrace the uncertainty instead of fear it. You never know what tmrw may bring. It's a hard lesson to swallow but I think I've got it down.

I never could have guessed that I would be here.. so there is no point in guessing where I'll be a year from now. Life is crazy and I'm just going along for the ride. It's confusing, yes. But, "confusion is always the most honest response." - Marty Indik

I go back to work tmrw and I'm actually kind of excited. I've enjoyed my time off the past two days but I wanna get back to makin' that money!! haha

I STILL CAN'T GET OVER IT hah I love laying in bed and updating my blog it's fkn great. I know, I know.. some of you are like: "Matty.. it's only wi-fi, get over it."

But fk that!

I feel like the cave man whose been spending hours and hours to start a fire and now, somebody just handed me a Bic hahaha

It's like ice cubes.. or a pair of brand new socks haha! The simple things. "Fresh clean sheets are one of life's small joys." - Takayuki Ikkaku

Okay folks time for some rest. I say that, knowing I'm going to lay in bed for another hour or two.. working on my book a little bit more haha but before I go, I'll leave you with this. "One thing is clear to me. You can't know everything you'd like to know. You can't do everything you'd like to do. You can't read everything you'd like to read. You must hold onto some things and let go of others. Learning to make that choice is one of the big lessons of this life." - Real Live Preacher

Monday, July 13

Wireless, and loving it.

Woke up pretty late today hah but it felt nice to sleep in. Work went really well yesterday, but it'll be nice to have a few days off. I skipped my workout today, only because I went running yesterday right before work. Showered, made some lunch, and called up the homies.

Hungout for a little bit, and then we went to Best Buy with the intention of LOOKING at new computers haha but my impulses were raging and I ended up cashing out for a netbook!! Its about the size of a book haha weighs 2lbs and is only 1 inch thick hahaha! PLUS its got a wireless card built in, so I'm officially online folks!

I've never had a laptop, OR a wireless device.. so I feel real high-tech right now hahah I'm laying on the couch and updating my blog how fkn awesome.

Because I woke up so late, the day went by pretty fast. After we left Best Buy, I got dropped off back home and chilled with the family for a little bit. I ate some dinner and fiddled around with my new computer :-) feelin' like a little kid haha

The fellas came over towards the end of the night, and we chilled out and played some PS3. It was nice to clear my thoughts and just joke around and act stupid all day hah. And, I'll be honest... I've been proud of myself and my sobriety. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but honk honk!! haha it's almost been 2 months now since I've started this whole experience. I'm not gonna say it's been hard, but it definitely hasn't been easy, either. "Most people would like to be delivered from temptation but would like it to keep in touch." - Robert Orben

I never thought I would actually e n j o y my sobriety. I always kinda considered it something I had to do.. or at the very least, something I should do. But I've found a real peace of mind. A clarity. I realize the awesome possibilities and opportunities I've been given... it's only a matter of how I seize them. I need to wake up every morning, feeling blessed to even open my eyes.

I know that I've been real manic these past few weeks... but that's life. It's just a bunch of up's and downs. It's a big ol' card game.

We've all heard that metaphor before.

Nobody can decide what cards they're dealt. And you never know what cards the other players are holding. Sometimes you fold, and sometimes you bluff. But nothing will change what you hold in your hands.

The game of life is way too short, folks. It's so difficult to ALWAYS stay happy and positive. BUT, it's a lot easier than ALWAYS being miserable hah. Sometimes, you need to just look down at your cards; and realize it's only a game. It all depends on how you play.

With that being said, I'm truly done being depressed with all the dumb shit that goes on around me. I feel great right now, and I need to ride with it and remember to just roll with the punches. I know it's a lot easier said than done... but it IS possible. I've been allowing my personal life to interfere with my p e r s o n a l i t y. It's snuffed my spark. It's dampened my spirits. And, it's taken the wind out of my sails.

But I'm so much stronger than that.

And now, it's time to prove it.

Sunday, July 12

I'ma just ride the waves right now.

"To see the earth as it truly is, small and blue and beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see ourselves as riders on the earth together, brothers on that bright loveliness in the eternal cold." - Archibald MacLeish (1892 - 1982)

It's pretty amazing you can accomplish, simply thru being positive. In a society drowning in negativity.. it's actually kind of refreshing to just take a break and b r e a t h e

Although the schedule kinda sucks haha I'm really enjoying this new job! Not only does it feel great to be productive and not only are the people really cool.. but each and everyday after our lunch, we all meet up in the break room with the managers on duty and give eachother some recognition. It's nothing too big, just a "thanks for this.." or "good job on that.." kinda deal. Well every day I've worked so far.. I've gotten some recognition for something. And most of it was stuff so small, I never would have even realized that somebody appreciated it. BUT, it really does feel g r e a t to hear/see somebody express their gratitude!!

It's an obvious team building activity but fk it, it works haha! Like I've said before, everybody works as a team so well there.. and to be a part of that feels good. It has actually turned my day around (a few times now) haha where I'll be having a semi-shitty day, and then after recognition.. it's like somebody has lit a fire under my ass again hahaha

I'm a very hard-working guy, and always have been. When I put my name on something... I want it done perfectly. But thru this new job, I've realized that theres more than just taking personal pride in your own work. "Players win games, teams win championships." - Bill Taylor

Got off work today and couldn't sleep... so I went jogging, and fkd around on Facebook once I got home. I've been trying to rebuild some old friendships.. get back in touch with some people I haven't talked to in yeeears!! It's been nice.

Finally went to bed, and slept until 2pm... got up, and made a little snack. Cleaned my room up and did some laundry (huge party, I know haha) and then my sister came over, so I hung out with the family for a little bit. I had her drop me off at a buddys house on her way home. Chilled around and played some basketball for a little bit with the fellas before dinner.

After I ate, I started over thinking some things so I went rollerblading to let off some steam haha works like a charm! Came home, showered, and packed my lunch for work. After working 4 nights in a row, I'm ready to have a couple days off haha but I also requested a couple more days this week so we'll see. I might end up picking up a shift or two.

Before work, I got a chance to get some reading in. This book I'm reading (still on "The People's History of the United States of America") reeeeally makes me wanna finish writing my own book haha! Sometimes, it feels like theres just not enough hours in the day, doesn't it?!

Hopefully once I get this netbook computer (maybe this week?) I'll be able to get some more work done on it ;-) but it's all good... it's nothing I wanna force, you know?? I mean.. it's not like a book report that I have a due date on, or anything. It'll probably finish itself when it's ready haha! "Calendars are for careful people, not passionate ones." - Chuck Sigars

TIME TO GO TO WORK but I'm excited to have the next two days off!! whoohooo! Hopefully I can get some MySpace promo done, update the website, get this new computer, and spend some time relaxing and playing video games and reading hah! Plus, it'd be nice to get into the studio some time soon. AND I'm suppose to go look at some foreclosed houses (wish me luck)

Now that I think of it... the next few days are gonna be kinda busy hahah but theres nothing wrong with that. Either get busy livin' or get busy dyin'

Saturday, July 11

Maybe it's better this way.

When I got off work today, I was so exhausted that I skipped my morning work out. I kinda regret it now haha but fk it. Woke up around noon, showered, and went into downtown Plymouth to do some promo.

It was mostly old people :-/

Once I got back home, I did a couple of chores around the house, and took a little nap. This schedule is killing me :-( the days go by so fast and I can't even enjoy them, really. I don't know, maybe it's just me. I've had a lot of things on my heart and mind.. I wish I could just stop thinking about them. But I can't. And, that's life.

Do you ever wish you couled just QUIT something?? Like, throw in the flag and hang up your boots. I'm usually not that type of person but my spirits are low right now and there are some things I wish I could just Q U I T and forget about. I mean, cold turkey. Adios. Cut off.

Too bad things don't work that way, huh?? I just need to remain focused on me, and where I want my life to be headed. It's so easy to slip into depression, and anger.. but I'm stronger than that. Kill 'em with kindness, right?? I just feel so helpless in my situation right now. I know where I want to be, but have no idea how to get there. I feel dead inside I'm not the same happy-go-lucky guy I use to be... and I know that other people can tell, too. But I must overcome all the bullshit. "Never think that you're not good enough yourself. A man should never think that. People will take you very much at your own reckoning." - Anthony Trollope (1815 - 1882)

Maybe I'm just letting things get the best of me?

Or, maybe things just SUCK right now for me haha :-/

Life goes on. Maybe it's better this way.

It's almost time to pack my lunch and get ready for another day of work. It's not working so much thats annoying... it's all the dumb shit that goes on when I'm NOT at work. That's whats annoying. And knowing that everybody has their own stupid fkn opinions and comments about ME and MY life.

But fk 'em. I'm just let God give 'em hair cuts. Me?? I'ma keep doing me. That's all I can do. That's the only things I have control over right now. "When I'm trusting and being myself... everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously." - Shakti Gawain

Friday, July 10

Only aim up.

Today was pretty eventful hah I woke up around 11am but forced myself to sleep until 2ish. I've gotta work tonight, so it's important I get my rest or else I'll be D E A D around midnite.

Finally rolled outta bed, and went jogging. Got home, showered, and decided to update the blog and MySpace. I've got some new graphics for but I haven't had a chance to swap computers and upload them to the website.

I think I'm gonna go get a laptop with my next paycheck ha. I've wanted one FOREVER and I went looking at some the other day when me and some of the fellas went to Best Buy.. and lemme tell you.. it's pretty much a done deal HAHA!! They've got some super dope, mini laptops for SUPER cheap!! All I really need is something for internet and word processing... something tiny that I can carry around with me everywhere I go. I'd probably get a wireless card for it, and TA-DA! Matty is in business!!! Then, maybe I'd finally get some work done haha I could finish writing this book and definitely stay up on MySpace promotion and website/blog updates.

I don't really need anything super powerful either. I mean.. I've already got 3 desktops haha 1 for graphics, 1 for making beats, and 1 is the studio. All I need now is a little buddy to travel with hahaha make it easier to get online without having to be in the garage or the basement. PLUS sooo many places have wi-fi these days

After spending a couple hours online.. I made some lunch/dinner and read for awhile. At 6ish, I took a little nap for an hour or so before packing a lunch and getting ready for work. I'll be honest, the night shift is starting to grow on me. Plus, I've met a lot of really cool people so far!!

It's refreshing to meet some new faces, too. Ofcourse there are some weirdos that work there haha BUT I LIKE WEIRDOS!! They're usually honest. And, they honestly don't give a fk what you think about them hahaha!! Sometimes, I wish I had more of that in me. I mean, we're all self-conscious about different things... but some people? They walk around like they could honestly care less haha and that's fkn awesome. NOTE TO SELF: Do more of what makes you happy, and care less about everybody else!

Really.. think about it. Wouldn't you rather deal with a weirdo, then some pathological liar whose constantly lying to everybody so that they seem "normal??" Or how about BAD liars haha? I mean, I guess I'd rather somebody be bad at lying than tremendous at it haha but some people are SO BAD at lying, you can see right thru them!! If you feel the same way, then lemme leave you with some inspiring words. "Everybody lies, but it doesn't matter; because nobody listens." - Nick Diamos

OKAY time to go to work already! I'm planning on being in Plymouth tmrw 12noon-6pm.. walking around, passing out handbills and selling CDs. If you're gonna be around town, you should cmon show some love!!!

Thursday, July 9

Double the load.

I'm really starting to feel like a zombie with this schedule haha but I'm also starting to love it. I woke up today feeling great, and ready to start my day! I made some lunch and did some errands around the house (yes, I'm STILL doing laundry from Cincinnati haha)

Went to that job interview and GOT THE JOB hah oh yeah baby MATTY THE WORKIN' MAN and to be honest I'm pumped!! I don't start until next Friday so that will give me a few days to get acclimated where I'm at, and plenty of time to work out my schedule.

I know I'm taking on a LOT (what else is new) but I know that NOW is the time to crack my fingers and break my back. I've got PLENTY of things to work for, so it's not even really an option in my mind. I know exactly where I want to be: 3 months... 6 months... even a year from now. I've got it all planned out and now it's time to execute the plan!! "Regard your good name as the richest jewel you can possibly be possessed of - for credit is like fire; when once you have kindled it you may easily preserve it, but if you once extinguish it, you will find it an arduous task to rekindle it again. The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear." - Socrates (469 BC - 399 BC)

I had another nice afternoon.. had a buddy come over and we played some video games in the garage until the wee hours of the night. After he left, I got a call from my mama and she swung thru to dropped off some late night McDonalds for me :-) how lucky of a guy am I??

I've gotta work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday :-( so I'ma go and get some rest!! I'm not sure which day(s) but I'm gonna make it a point to go downtown Plymouth this weekend and sell some CDs. They've got their annual "Art in the Park" festival going on; and it's sure to be PACKED!! Hope to see you down there!

Wednesday, July 8

Just another night in the life of-

Had another good day at work... and even got some more hours (yay!) everybody keeps complimenting me on my work ethic, too.. which feels nice. It's good to work for your own pride, but it's nice for somebody else to notice every once and a while.

Because I did so well yesterday, they put me in a different positive today AND IT WHOOPED MY ASS haha so much more physical labor than what I was doing yesterday!! I can already tell that between working out, and this job; I'm about to get RIPPED!!

Got off work and went jogging again... this time, only 2miles hah I was POOPED. After I napped for a little bit, I met up with my mama to get some lunch, and to run some errands. I've got the next two days off so I'ma try and just relax and catch up on some much needed sleep ha

OH YEAH got a call today and I GOT A JOB INTERVIEW TMRW haha so holla at ya boy I'ma be busy as fk if I get this second job!! BUT I GOTTA DO WHAT I GOTTA DO you know?? If you know ME and you know what I'm about.. then none of this really suprises you ha. "Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all." - Sam Ewing

Tuesday, July 7

The working man.

The new job is pretty fucking cool. I'll be honest tho, it's a LOT more work than I anticipated haha I WAS SWEATIN' SO BAD haha but everybody seems very cool and they all work real well as a team. The shift leader liked how I was working so he gave me a few extra hours, which was also pretty cool!

By 5am I was exhausted haha but once I finally punched out (around 630am) I had caught a second wind and couldn't sleep by the time I got home ha. So I decided to go jogging and do my little work out routine haha YES after 9 hours of work! I know it sounds insane but it felt great.

After I got home I just C R A S H E D and slept until about 3pm hahaha it's gonna be weird at first but I know I can get use to it. Sleep is the cousin of death.. and right now, I gotta focus on living. They say a little hard work is good for you ;-)

Once I woke up, I read a little bit... but started getting restless so I put my book down and decided to fk with some beats. It's been a while since I've made some music but it felt great to press some keys, that's forsure. Around 8pm, I packed my lunch and got ready for work.. and now, I'm just chillin out and waiting for my ride. Ughh, just another day at the office haha "Get happiness out of your work or you may never know what happiness is." - Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915)

Monday, July 6

Feeling like a zombie.

So, I start the new job today.. WISH ME LUCK!!

I'm so glad to get this job but working midnights sucks, tho haha!! It's all good tho, the schedule will allow me to get a second job. Incase you haven't figured it out yet.. I LOVE MONEY!

Other than that... pretty uneventful day. Just been hanging out around the house... taking small naps, and reading... trying to get my body adjusted for my new schedule.

AWESOME blog entry, I know haha fiiine how about a joke? "When I woke up this morning my girlfriend asked me, 'Did you sleep good?' I said 'No, I made a few mistakes." - Steven Wright (1955 - ) hahaha okay so what atleast I thought it was funny ;-)

Sunday, July 5

Home, sweet home again.

Got back from Cincinnati today. Whew, what a trip!! As much fun as I had... I know it's about time to snap back to reality, you know?? No vacation lasts forever... but a good one will provide memories for a lifetime (got some really good pictures, too!!)

"Life is a voyage that's homeward bound." Herman Melville (1819 - 1891)

After we unpacked the car, the fellas headed home and I went for a walk to clear my head. Ended up chilling out for the rest of the night watching TV and watching that new movie "Role Models" (which I thought was kinda boring to be honest)

I'm trying to stay up as late as possible because I start a new job tmrw and it's working the graveyard shift. I've worked midnights before, but that was years ago.. so it's probably going to take me a while to get use to it. Fk it tho, I'm just glad to have a job!!!

It'll be nice to sleep in my own bed again :-) home, sweet home.

Saturday, July 4

Happy birthday, America!!

We didn't wake up until 2pm today haha stayed up way too late last night!! I wanted to go skating outside but it was raining, so that canceled those plans. Instead, we all got ready and went to get some food at Johnny Rockets.. this 50's style diner. We ate outside under this awning and these pigeons were so ballsy they kept just walking right over to our feet so I sprayed one with a ketchup bottle haha! It didn't really stop them much but it sure felt like the right thing to do hah

After stuffing our faces, we went next store to the aquarium... and, boy was that cool!!! This place had everything from toads to alligators to eels to all different types of fish. They've got a HUGE jellyfish exibit, where you walk thru this hallway of dark tanks, F I L L E D with different types and colors of jellyfish... all swimming around from floor to ceiling. It felt like I was walking thru a lava lamp haha! Further down, they had an exotic bird exibit (which I didn't really understand, because it was an "aquarium" haha) but they had some of the most beautifully colored birds I'd ever seen up close!! They looked fake almost! Then they had a few of those tunnels you walk thru and the different sharks and fish swim all around you and above your head haha it's kinda freaky! It feels like you're trapped down there hah. Finally, at the end of the whole thing, you can pet some sharks!!!! It was wild!

Seeing all those unique animals and how they live.. it reminds you.. "Nature does nothing uselessly." - Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)

After the aquarium, we headed back to our hotel. The rain had died down, and before we knew it... they're shooting off the fireworks for the 4th of July!!!! We couldn't have PAID for a better view they were RIGHT IN FRONT of our hotel, and we were on the top floor! It's like they were shooting them eye level from our window haha the blasts were setting off car alarms in the parking lot haha. Got a ton of great pictures, too.

To cap the night off, we got all dressed up (so fresh, and so fly) and went out to eat at this really nice fish market!! I don't usually like seafood that much but this was a 4 star resturant and the food was amazing! We ended up meeting the owner (who was from Detroit) and had a really good time talking with him. After that, we just walked the strip and hit up a few different places right by our hotel. That was the best part.. EVERYTHING was with-in walking distance!!

A great ending, to the last day, of a great vacation. Time to hit the sheets so that we can wake up in time to pack, and check out.

Friday, July 3

Take me out to the ball game!

We woke up and decided to go get some lunch at this restaurant Arnies. We got a great table on the patio, over-looking the traffic and shops on the main strip. After we ate, we tried to figure out what we were going to do for the afternoon. It was such a beautiful day... and the weather was so perfect, we had a chance to just walk around and explore the city.

If you've never been to Newport, KY... you should probably go visit. The atmosphere is awesome... everybody is very cool and respectful. The bars and restaurants are fun, and affordable. And there are so many damn tourist attractions hahaha!!

We decided to go to a Reds game because the weather outside was perfect! After a little hike across the bridge, we were there!! And the stadium was packed, too. We all got a handful of hotdogs and nachos and drinks and peanuts and we headed to our seats.

I'll be honest, I didn't get a chance to do as much heckling as I planned haha

After the 7th inning... the Reds were up 3-0, so we decided to head back to the hotel. I mean.. none of us are huge baseball fans, and the Reds seemed to have this one sewed up. But low and behold, by the time we walked back to our hotel room we discovered the Reds gave up 5 runs and lost the game 5-3 haha

I guess it's right what they say.. "It's not so important who starts the game but who finishes it." - John Wooden (1910 - )

Now that we're back and changed, we're going downtown to get some dinner, and hit up a few different places on the strip. I love how close we are to all the action!! You can hear people partying outside 24/7 haha it's like Mardi Gras or something! haha

Thursday, July 2

T minus 13 to launch!!!

THAT'S RIGHT BITCHES hahah today is the day we leave for vacation!!

But we alllll know how it goes, right? No vacation would be possible, if it wasn't for the few unexpected road bumps that are thrown at you. And sure enough, ha. We're all packed and ready to go but our transportation fell thru, so we had to rent a vehicle.

After calling around, 3 major companys have NO cars for rental :-( but we finally get ahold of a Budget Car Rental over by the airport, and NOW WE ARE READY TO GO............. after they tax our asses off first :-/ goddamn capitolism.

Once we got our car, we had to run a few errands before we left the state (ofcourse) and then stop at the gas station to load up on snacks and drinks and candy for the trip haha. We finally got on the road a LOT later than expected but once we did, it was smooooth sailing.

Loud music, long miles, and good friends. The recipe of a great road trip!

Stopped somewhere to eat in the middle-of-nowhere, Ohio. A nice little trucker stop haha; which, at midnight, was FULL of interesting chartacters (as I'm sure you could imagine) hah one guy wouldn't stop talking about the "lot lizards" and all the different stops he's been approached by prostitutes. Classy guy.

We finally arrive in Kentucky, and we can MINUTES to check in and still catch a store before it closes haha so we go RUNNING down the street, only to find out that the store is DRIVE-THRU ONLY hahaha so 2 of us go RUNNING back to the hotel, get the car, and skeert back over to the store haha where the other 2 are standing in a line (of cars) holding our spot HAHAHA

We head up to our room and find out they HAVEN'T EVEN CLEANED IT YET :-/ so they give us another room haha SHEESH how much more could go wrong on the first day??

"Adversity does teach who your real friends are." - Lois McMaster Bujold

Wednesday, July 1

The morning after.

I can't believe it was my birthday yesterday. Weird. And, I can't believe my Cincinnati vacation starts tmrw! Even weirder!!! TIME GOES BY SO FAST sometimes.

I found out that I forsure got that new job, which is awesome. I start the Monday we get back from Cincinnati :-) which is a bitch (coming back from vacation and jumping into a new job) but I'm so excited to start working!!

PS. Sorry for the lack of updates... I've just had a lot of things going on in my personal life (what else is new) but it's distracted me a little bit. I need to put my priorities where they need to be (which I'm sure you can understand) and frankly, somethings I just don't feel like talking about. Regardless, it is my blog and it's meant to be insightful so I apologize. Sometimes, life just has a way of beating you down when we're getting too tall, you know? THERE'S ALWAYS GOTTA BE something GOING ON, huh??

I'm just trying to stay positive and keep looking forward to my much deserved vacation, thank you very much! Meanwhile THANK YOU for your everlasting support! I hope you all can understand where I'm coming from.. I'd rather say nothing at all, than too much.

"In silence, man can most readily preserve his integrity." - Meister Eckhart