Saturday, July 25

Oh no, it never really stops going!

Runnin' on NO sleep hahah I got off work this morning around 7am and went for my usual work out. Had to be at my second job by 9am so I just stayed up and went right after my shower.

I was pretty exhausted by the time I got out of work around 2pm but I had caught my "second wind" and decided to stay awake for a few more hours. The sun was shining... I felt great, and honestly I had a REAL BAD CRAVING for some Mexican food haha so I went out to eat with a buddy and we got a Mexican chicken pizza :-D

After the grub, went house hunting some more. There are SO MANY places out there it's awesome knowing the choice is mine!! It's definitely a buyer's market. Before going home, we swung by the Laurel Park mall and poked around for a little bit.

Between the new house, the new jobs, and everything going on in my personal life... I never would have guessed I would feel this great! "Never say never, for if you live long enough, chances are you will not be able to abide by its restrictions. Never is a long, undependable time, and life is too full of rich possibilities to have restrictions placed upon it." - Gloria Swanson (1899 - 1983)

This book I've been reading has really taught me a lot about the power of possibilities; and the opportunities that exist in optimism! It's easier said than done, but we need to focus more on the immediate moments we occupy, instead of constantly worrying about the future or the past. If you can make a conscious effort to be happy NOW, then every minute you live will be in happiness!! It's like the headlights of a car. They only shine for 100-200ft at the most. But even with the dimmest of headlights, you can drive from NYC to LA in the pitch dark! The same goes for life!! "Take the first step in faith. You don't have the see the entire staircase. Just the first step." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968)

I'm gonna lay down to read, and tryn get some sleep before going to work tonight. Hope you all are enjoying your weekend as much as I am! Don't forget to S M I L E

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