Thursday, July 23

Too good to be true haha

OFCOURSE I couldn't enjoy two days off in a row haha my second job called me last night and wanted me to start my orientation and training today haha blah I guess it's better to have gotten started instead of waiting for Monday. AND it was early, so I got it done and out of the way.

Last night was a blast!! It was so nice to get out and see some old friends that I haven't talked to in forever... let em know whats going on in my life, and hear all about theirs. PLUS it's always nice meeting new people :-D

After work this morning, I came home and worked out... then took a shower and took a little nap :-) felt nice and lazy hahah but as soon as I woke up, I got back to being productive. Updated the websites, did some online promo, and changed the Song of the Day. Today's song is "Anythang" and it features Devin the Dude and Rick James.

Yes, Rick James!!

I really love the combination of the three of us. Devin kills the hook, and then the little interlude by Rick James (old style Rick) is awesome he really belts it out! The song is all about being appreciative of what you have, and realizing how lucky you are. I've learned that Gratitude is a powerful thing to possess. If you aren't thankful for what you already have... you'll never get what you want! R E A L T A L K

On the advice of a friend from high school, I went up to the library and rented the book "The Secret." I had never heard of it, but she kept ranting and raving about it.. so I figured I would give it a shot. Let me just say, so far it's awesome!! If you've never read it, I suggest you go find a copy for yourself. It's fairly short, and a very easy read. I'm not too far into it yet, but it's already got me thinking a lot!!

After the library, I got a little bit of writing done today; and then headed out to eat with my sister. It was nice, because we both invited some friends and it turned into a giant shindig haha taking over the resturant and eatting together mafia style. Plus, it was a good chance for her to meet some of my friends she's never met, and vise versa. I'm so thankful for all the good people in my life right now! "Being friendless taught me how to be a friend. Funny how that works." - Colleen Wainwright, Communicatrix

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