Monday, July 13

Wireless, and loving it.

Woke up pretty late today hah but it felt nice to sleep in. Work went really well yesterday, but it'll be nice to have a few days off. I skipped my workout today, only because I went running yesterday right before work. Showered, made some lunch, and called up the homies.

Hungout for a little bit, and then we went to Best Buy with the intention of LOOKING at new computers haha but my impulses were raging and I ended up cashing out for a netbook!! Its about the size of a book haha weighs 2lbs and is only 1 inch thick hahaha! PLUS its got a wireless card built in, so I'm officially online folks!

I've never had a laptop, OR a wireless device.. so I feel real high-tech right now hahah I'm laying on the couch and updating my blog how fkn awesome.

Because I woke up so late, the day went by pretty fast. After we left Best Buy, I got dropped off back home and chilled with the family for a little bit. I ate some dinner and fiddled around with my new computer :-) feelin' like a little kid haha

The fellas came over towards the end of the night, and we chilled out and played some PS3. It was nice to clear my thoughts and just joke around and act stupid all day hah. And, I'll be honest... I've been proud of myself and my sobriety. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but honk honk!! haha it's almost been 2 months now since I've started this whole experience. I'm not gonna say it's been hard, but it definitely hasn't been easy, either. "Most people would like to be delivered from temptation but would like it to keep in touch." - Robert Orben

I never thought I would actually e n j o y my sobriety. I always kinda considered it something I had to do.. or at the very least, something I should do. But I've found a real peace of mind. A clarity. I realize the awesome possibilities and opportunities I've been given... it's only a matter of how I seize them. I need to wake up every morning, feeling blessed to even open my eyes.

I know that I've been real manic these past few weeks... but that's life. It's just a bunch of up's and downs. It's a big ol' card game.

We've all heard that metaphor before.

Nobody can decide what cards they're dealt. And you never know what cards the other players are holding. Sometimes you fold, and sometimes you bluff. But nothing will change what you hold in your hands.

The game of life is way too short, folks. It's so difficult to ALWAYS stay happy and positive. BUT, it's a lot easier than ALWAYS being miserable hah. Sometimes, you need to just look down at your cards; and realize it's only a game. It all depends on how you play.

With that being said, I'm truly done being depressed with all the dumb shit that goes on around me. I feel great right now, and I need to ride with it and remember to just roll with the punches. I know it's a lot easier said than done... but it IS possible. I've been allowing my personal life to interfere with my p e r s o n a l i t y. It's snuffed my spark. It's dampened my spirits. And, it's taken the wind out of my sails.

But I'm so much stronger than that.

And now, it's time to prove it.

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