Thursday, July 16

Stand tall, and you'll never fall short!

Geez, I'm exhausted hah! I worked a few extra hours last night, and didn't get home until 8ish. For whatever reason.. I wasn't very tired, so I went rollerblading around town and worked out once I got back home. I know it sounds insane to work out after working a 10hr shift but honestly I know if I put it off until "after I wake up" then I'd never do it haha

Once I got done taking a shower.. the sun was up and I was wide awake hah so I jumped online and fkd around for a little bit.

I surfed over to my SoundClick page to see that "Drunk Dials" had jumped up to #289 over night!! THAT'S AWESOME!! Thanks so much to everybody who has been crankin' that shit out!! It's amazing to see who really supports you when you need it. Sometimes, the people you think are closest to you will let you down... and the people you'd never expect to see, come running into battle with you! At this rate, we'll definitely hit #1!

It's natural to doubt ourselves sometimes. We're all guilty of it. But every once and a while.. something will happen that reaffirms everything we've been doing. And I've just had that happen to me today haha after seeing all the love and support you guys have given me.. I remember why I started rapping in the first place. I REP PLYMOUTH-CANTON TO THE FULLEST and nobody can tell me different haha I DO THIS FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! I'ma let all the nay-sayers talk hah it doesn't bother me anymore. I've come to realize that if they're talking about you.. regardless of what they say.. you must be pretty important to them hahaha

I may not be a genius haha and no, I'm not the greatest rapper in the World but I do my best, damnit haha and that's all that any of us can do. "Try to learn something about everything, and everything about something." - Thomas H. Huxley (1825 - 1895)

Due to my insomnia, I stayed up until noon.. fkn with some graphics and writing to this new beat I just got emailed to me. I probably could have stayed up later, but I figured it was time to take my ass to bed and TRY to fall asleep. ha

I woke up SUPER LATE hah well a lot later than I wanted to. Ended up having to cancel some plans I had for the afternoon but it was going to be impossible to fit everything in. I was suppose to have the day off today, but last night my manager asked if I wanted to pick up an extra shift and I (obviously) said yes.

So once I crawled out of bed (around 5pm haha) I cut my hair, took a shower, and started reading a little bit. I've definitely been slacking on this book hah but there never seems to be enough hours in the day. It'll be interesting to see what my schedule is like once I start this second job tmrw.

After eatting some dinner with the fam, a buddy of mine came over and we played some video games before I had to go to work. Since I woke up so late... the entire day flew by; and before I knew it, 9 o'clock was rolling around :-/

"Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not. It is the first lesson that ought to be learned; and however early a man's training begins, it is probably the last lesson that he learns thoroughly." - Thomas H. Huxley (1825 - 1895)

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