Tuesday, July 7

The working man.

The new job is pretty fucking cool. I'll be honest tho, it's a LOT more work than I anticipated haha I WAS SWEATIN' SO BAD haha but everybody seems very cool and they all work real well as a team. The shift leader liked how I was working so he gave me a few extra hours, which was also pretty cool!

By 5am I was exhausted haha but once I finally punched out (around 630am) I had caught a second wind and couldn't sleep by the time I got home ha. So I decided to go jogging and do my little work out routine haha YES after 9 hours of work! I know it sounds insane but it felt great.

After I got home I just C R A S H E D and slept until about 3pm hahaha it's gonna be weird at first but I know I can get use to it. Sleep is the cousin of death.. and right now, I gotta focus on living. They say a little hard work is good for you ;-)

Once I woke up, I read a little bit... but started getting restless so I put my book down and decided to fk with some beats. It's been a while since I've made some music but it felt great to press some keys, that's forsure. Around 8pm, I packed my lunch and got ready for work.. and now, I'm just chillin out and waiting for my ride. Ughh, just another day at the office haha "Get happiness out of your work or you may never know what happiness is." - Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915)

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