Wednesday, July 8

Just another night in the life of-

Had another good day at work... and even got some more hours (yay!) everybody keeps complimenting me on my work ethic, too.. which feels nice. It's good to work for your own pride, but it's nice for somebody else to notice every once and a while.

Because I did so well yesterday, they put me in a different positive today AND IT WHOOPED MY ASS haha so much more physical labor than what I was doing yesterday!! I can already tell that between working out, and this job; I'm about to get RIPPED!!

Got off work and went jogging again... this time, only 2miles hah I was POOPED. After I napped for a little bit, I met up with my mama to get some lunch, and to run some errands. I've got the next two days off so I'ma try and just relax and catch up on some much needed sleep ha

OH YEAH got a call today and I GOT A JOB INTERVIEW TMRW haha so holla at ya boy I'ma be busy as fk if I get this second job!! BUT I GOTTA DO WHAT I GOTTA DO you know?? If you know ME and you know what I'm about.. then none of this really suprises you ha. "Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all." - Sam Ewing

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