Monday, July 27

I've learned from my mistakes

Maaaaannn.... a handful of people called off tonight, so work was AWFUL!! Haha okay it wasn't that bad, but I did end up putting in a 10hr shift just to get everything done. On the bright side, I stayed so busy that the time flew by! Got off work and went for my morning work out.. then came home and collapsed in my bed :-D

I'm still "new" to this job technically but my managers seem to love me already, and all of them have individually expressed that it's nice to have me on the team. A couple of co-workers even mentioned that they love working with me because they know things are going to get done! HAHA felt great to hear, honestly. Everybody gets along real well (for the most part) and my work actually feels appreciated there. It's nice.

I've just tried to stay focused on being positive.. and I've noticed how it's affected my life already! People at my jobs are always telling me: "you're way too happy to be here" haha but WHYNOT?! Some people would love to have a job why can't I be grateful for mine?? It's truly amazing how powerful your positivity can be. Even something as simple as a smile. Or when people ask you: "How's it going?" I use to always just respond "ehh, it's going" and laugh it off haha but now? It doesn't matter whats been going on thru-out my day; if somebody askes me "how's it going?" I tell them Great! We should be happy that somebody even takes the time to ask!!!

Some people seem so caught up in their own negative energy that they create a miserable World for themselves. Life is only what you make it, folks. I've learned that the hard way.

"How can you ever expect somebody to enjoy your company, if you don't enjoy your own?" - James Ray

After I woke up, I spent some time reading.. and then headed up to the coffee shop in town to work on my book a little bit. Did some online promotion, and updated the website. I still need to work on the calender, and the e-store. It was pointed out to me that I should include a tracklisting for all the CDs. I think that's a great idea and I'm going to get that done ASAP!!

My dad went outta town for the night, so I made a pizza for me and my mom to eat for dinner. I spent all day, thinking I had to work tonight... but while I was in the kitchen I checked my schedule and WHOOHOO realized I had the day off!! It completely took me by suprise haha! Around 8pm, my sister and her fiance stopped by the house; so I got a chance to chill out with the family. Her wedding is coming soooo soon I can't believe it!! We're all grown up now, that's forsure. It's been such a crazy, exciting year for my entire family haha!

Now? I'm just relaxing and reading some more of this book :-D enjoying my unexpected day off. I just got a txt from an old friend... I think she's about to come over within the next hour. I haven't seen her in.. probably, 7 months?! DAMN time flys when you really try and think about it haha but it'll be so nice to hang out and catch up on everything. Sounds like we've both had an eventful year hahaha

"The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want." - Ben Stein

Hope you all enjoy your night :-) praise Jah bless today!!

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