Tuesday, July 14

Back on the train, again.

"I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them." - Isaac Asimov (1920 - 1992)

With that being said... DAMN, I'm in love with my new computer hahahah!!! I fell asleep with it in bed, next to me like it was a new puppy I just got or something haha what a nerd.

Woke up and went jogging (as usual) kinda whimped out tho so I'm going to make a point to push myself even further tmrw. Once I got home and showered, I headed up into downtown Plymouth to the coffee shop for some lunch and Wi-Fi. Felt like such a fkn yuppie haha but it was great. All these people were on their gigantic, ancient looking laptops and then as soon as I bust out my new netbook I get all the oohhs and aahhs you'd expect from a fireworks show hah

Jealousy is a weak emotion but shiiit even I'd be jealous of me!

I was able to get in some solid online promotion and networking today. Updated the website and SoundClick a little bit... and even booked 2 shows! Yeah, ya boy was productive. NOTE TO ALL: sorry if you feel like I'm spamming you but it's not spam don't take it personal. It's just a young man, trying his hardest to spread the word. I got a lot of real good music.. I just need to put it into people's ears! If you're still offended, then fk off haha you don't understand me (or what I'm trying to do) and you probably ain't my friend anyways :-p

My dad went outta town today so I took my mom out for dinner it was nice. We just went down the street and got some pizza but it was cool to spend some time alone just the two of us... talk about everything thats going on in our lives. She seems so stressed with work and I'm stressed with just about everything hah but we were able to just relax and share some laughs.

ENJOYING MY DAYS OFF, that's forsure.

Got home and played some video games for a little bit.. then turned on the All-Star game, got back online and hit the promo again. I kept telling myself that I would get more done with a laptop; so now that I have one, there is no excuse.

Around 11ish I put on a beat and wrote a new track :-D it turned out great! A real banger about not wanting the club to close haha I'll probably record it tmrw before I go to work.

I can feel myself turning around and becoming more positive. I can notice the small, simple changes in my day to day life. It's pretty awesome, actually. I'm actually SMILING more haha and LAUGHING more.

Smiles+laughs=recipe for good living.

THANK YOU to everybody who has been giving me such good support and advice recently. You'll never understand how much I appreciate it!! Everybody comes to points in their life where they get tested. But it's not a matter of pass or fail... it's all about putting in your best effort, and refusing to quit. As soon as you finish one test, another will be thrown at you. You've got to reserve your strength for the long haul. NOTHING is stronger than the will to keep going. "Be fit for more than the thing you are now doing. Let everyone know that you have a reserve in yourself; that you have more power than you are now using. If you are not too large for the place you occupy, you are too small for it." - James A. Garfield (1831 - 1881)

I'm not too sure what my future holds (I'm not Miss Cleo) but I'm learning to embrace the uncertainty instead of fear it. You never know what tmrw may bring. It's a hard lesson to swallow but I think I've got it down.

I never could have guessed that I would be here.. so there is no point in guessing where I'll be a year from now. Life is crazy and I'm just going along for the ride. It's confusing, yes. But, "confusion is always the most honest response." - Marty Indik

I go back to work tmrw and I'm actually kind of excited. I've enjoyed my time off the past two days but I wanna get back to makin' that money!! haha

I STILL CAN'T GET OVER IT hah I love laying in bed and updating my blog it's fkn great. I know, I know.. some of you are like: "Matty.. it's only wi-fi, get over it."

But fk that!

I feel like the cave man whose been spending hours and hours to start a fire and now, somebody just handed me a Bic hahaha

It's like ice cubes.. or a pair of brand new socks haha! The simple things. "Fresh clean sheets are one of life's small joys." - Takayuki Ikkaku

Okay folks time for some rest. I say that, knowing I'm going to lay in bed for another hour or two.. working on my book a little bit more haha but before I go, I'll leave you with this. "One thing is clear to me. You can't know everything you'd like to know. You can't do everything you'd like to do. You can't read everything you'd like to read. You must hold onto some things and let go of others. Learning to make that choice is one of the big lessons of this life." - Real Live Preacher

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