Thursday, July 30

I'ma go and keep it going.

Work went good last night... got outta there around 7am. Came home and went rollerblading for an hour, and then worked out for a little bit before going to sleep. I woke up around noon, which was great. Gave me plenty of time to get things done :-D

I made some lunch and did a few errands around the house, then headed uptown. I always feel like such a beatnik in that coffee shop haha but fk it, right? I got a lot of work done on my book, too!! I'm gonna sit down with my editor on Monday and go over what I've got so far. He's been doing some research too, so I'm real excited to see what we can come up with!

Talked to somebody that I haven't talked to in ages (it feels like) but it was nice :-D

I've gotten a lot of messages about that book I read. I learned about the Secret thru a friend from high school. Honestly, we weren't even that close in school haha and she's since moved down to the Caribbean haha but we talk online. I had told her how depressed and frustrated I was with my Life, and she told me to read it. And as I've said, it's been Life changing!! Goes to show you how people that seem insignificant can make a major impact on your Life.

With that being said.. I dunno HOW you know me or WHY you read this blog but take it as a sign. I could never repay the favor that friend did for me but I can try and pay it forward!

One of the major themes of this book is visualization... and, being able to manifest things into your Life by thinking of them as real. Feeling as if they already exist. For example, when I think about this book I'm writing... I don't worry about what I'm going to write next. Or, how I'm going to get it published. I just think about holding the book in my hands. I visualize the embossed artwork on the cover.. and I can feel my hands opening the book and fingering thru the pages. I can read the words. From that, the book has been practically writing itself!!

I know it probably sounds insane... but it's the truth! And it works with everything!! Visualize what you want and where you want to be, and your mind will take you there!! "The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind." - William James (1842 - 1910)

I've got the night off, so I'm bout to go meet up with my sister for some dinner. I must say, these past few weeks has been awesome for me. I can really feel my Life coming together into something beautiful. Pulling itself into exactly what I've always wanted :-D and each day I wake up excited to see where it will take me!

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