Wednesday, July 29

I'm happier than ever (don't worry about me)

There's something liberating about hard work. Physically pushing yourself to exhaustion. Mentally going for hours and hours. It's tiresome, but it's equally incredible! The gratification I feel after working a long day at both jobs... it's indescribable.

I got off work this morning around 730ish, and went for a nice long jog in the rain. The rain felt so cool on my skin I only stopped ONCE to walk a block; whereas I usually walk a block after every 5-10 blocks I run. Today I just kept going. Like a machine. Kept pushing. Kept telling myself GO and kept telling my legs to M O V E even though my muscles felt like they were on fire haha like my veins were pumping battery acid! My bones were screaming at me haha begging me to stop but I couldn't. And, it felt great. Got back home and banged out 200 push-ups and then took a shower.

Shaved the beard off today ;-) had to for my job. It's weird tho, I haven't had a clean face since I was able to grow a beard haha but change is good.

I laid around in bed for an hour or so and read my book before going in to the second job :-D we were super busy so time flew by and before ya know it, 2pm rolled around and I was headed home. Once I got home, I ate some lunch and finished that book "The Secret" that I've been reading. It's honestly life changing and (again) I recommend it to you all!!

It has taught me a LOT about how to deal with things that get thrown at you. Sometimes, life doesn't seem "fair" haha but that's the wrong way to think about it. "Retribution often means that we eventually do to ourselves what we have done unto others." - Eric Hoffer (1902 - 1983)

When you really open your eyes, and reshape your thinking... you realize the intense power of the Universe and how it uses the natural laws of attraction to give us everything we ask for!! If you spend all of your time, dwelling in negativity, than you will be drawn to negative people, events, & circumstances. If you instead choose to focus on life's positive forces, then you will find a whole new World of opportunities. You can't allow yourself to be trapped in your surroundings. JUST KNOW, real power comes from with-in. We are divine, and only we are the creators of our own destiny!!

"Follow your bliss, and the Universe will open doors for you where there were only walls." - Joseph Campbell

It's as simple as doing what makes you happy. What makes you smile? What gives you joy? Whatever it is... DO IT! Because, if you are constantly living in a state of joy and happiness, you will only attract more positive things to you. People will look at you and ask, "what does he know that I don't?"

It's easy.

Our current reality is only the result of our past thoughts and actions. We're constantly living in the residual. For instance, I use to look in the mirror and say "this is who I am" but that's WRONG!! That's not who I am that's who I was. When you define yourself by your current state of affairs (which are really just the outcome of our past) then you doom yourself to have nothing more than the same in the future. "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" - Buddha (563 BC-483 BC)

You've got to think about who you want to be. Think about what you want to be doing, and where you want to be headed. Then, feel as if you are already there. Don't just wish it into the future, but actually make it your current reality. The mind is a powerful (and often untapped resource.) USE IT!!

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't; either way, you're right." - Henry Ford (1863-1947)

I've gotta go to work soon, but I hope you seriously consider what I'm asking you to do. It's simple. It's confidential. And it will change your life.

Just think about being happy. Just feel happy.

Realize that who you are right now is different than who you were when you started reading this blog. And, who you are right now is different than who you were when you woke up. And, who you were last week is different than who you were last night. And realize that, who you will be an hour from now is different from who you are right now.

But it's all up to you to decide who that is.

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