Sunday, July 19

Head held high, and my names on the line.

I was all excited to get off work and enjoy my Sunday off haha but right before I punched out, my manager asked if I wanted to pick up another shift. They must really like me over there hahaha and I must really like money because I said yes. That makes 8 days in a row now, I've worked. blah :-p

Skipped my work out again and just went straight to bed. I was exhausted!! I really need to quit doing that tho haha I always feel so guilty when I'm laying in bed before I fall asleep.. just thinking to myself: I probably could have still worked out haha it's nothing too extreme and it feels great when I'm finished. I just need to push myself a little extra some days. It's good discipline. "Facing it, always facing it, that's the way to get through. Face it." - Joseph Conrad (1857 - 1924)

It was a pretty uneventful day hah I woke up around 2pm and had some of the fellas come over to chill. Played some video games and made some beats until about 6pm... and then I ate dinner with the family. It was a nice, lazy Sunday haha even though I gotta work tonight. I planned on getting some stuff done today but since I picked up an extra shifted I ended up just relaxing until 8ish :-/ tmrw I'm gonna make a point to get some more things done. I haven't worked on writing my book in a while... been caught up in this music and work.

I officially start my second job next Monday.. which gives me a week of "free time" (when I'm not already working) to get a few things accomplished before I get REALLY busy and start working 60-80hrs a week. Yes... 60-80 hours. Of work. Per week. Can't wait to see these checks haha!! PLUS (after seeing how this new job goes) I might get a 3rd job bartending on Fridays and Saturdays. The opportunity has came up and it would be nice to cash out $700-$800 for two days worth of work. But who knows?? I wanna get comfortable with these two jobs before I take on a third. I know I'm taking on a full plate but theres a lot of things I want right now haha and even more things I need. So, with that being said... it's grind time! "Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else." - James M. Barrie (1860 - 1937)

I've been in a great mood the past 2 weeks and I don't want it to end haha finally starting to feel "normal" again after being so depressed for awhile. It's nice! You know what they say, don't you?? "Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open." - John Barrymore (1882 - 1942)

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