Sunday, July 12

I'ma just ride the waves right now.

"To see the earth as it truly is, small and blue and beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see ourselves as riders on the earth together, brothers on that bright loveliness in the eternal cold." - Archibald MacLeish (1892 - 1982)

It's pretty amazing you can accomplish, simply thru being positive. In a society drowning in negativity.. it's actually kind of refreshing to just take a break and b r e a t h e

Although the schedule kinda sucks haha I'm really enjoying this new job! Not only does it feel great to be productive and not only are the people really cool.. but each and everyday after our lunch, we all meet up in the break room with the managers on duty and give eachother some recognition. It's nothing too big, just a "thanks for this.." or "good job on that.." kinda deal. Well every day I've worked so far.. I've gotten some recognition for something. And most of it was stuff so small, I never would have even realized that somebody appreciated it. BUT, it really does feel g r e a t to hear/see somebody express their gratitude!!

It's an obvious team building activity but fk it, it works haha! Like I've said before, everybody works as a team so well there.. and to be a part of that feels good. It has actually turned my day around (a few times now) haha where I'll be having a semi-shitty day, and then after recognition.. it's like somebody has lit a fire under my ass again hahaha

I'm a very hard-working guy, and always have been. When I put my name on something... I want it done perfectly. But thru this new job, I've realized that theres more than just taking personal pride in your own work. "Players win games, teams win championships." - Bill Taylor

Got off work today and couldn't sleep... so I went jogging, and fkd around on Facebook once I got home. I've been trying to rebuild some old friendships.. get back in touch with some people I haven't talked to in yeeears!! It's been nice.

Finally went to bed, and slept until 2pm... got up, and made a little snack. Cleaned my room up and did some laundry (huge party, I know haha) and then my sister came over, so I hung out with the family for a little bit. I had her drop me off at a buddys house on her way home. Chilled around and played some basketball for a little bit with the fellas before dinner.

After I ate, I started over thinking some things so I went rollerblading to let off some steam haha works like a charm! Came home, showered, and packed my lunch for work. After working 4 nights in a row, I'm ready to have a couple days off haha but I also requested a couple more days this week so we'll see. I might end up picking up a shift or two.

Before work, I got a chance to get some reading in. This book I'm reading (still on "The People's History of the United States of America") reeeeally makes me wanna finish writing my own book haha! Sometimes, it feels like theres just not enough hours in the day, doesn't it?!

Hopefully once I get this netbook computer (maybe this week?) I'll be able to get some more work done on it ;-) but it's all good... it's nothing I wanna force, you know?? I mean.. it's not like a book report that I have a due date on, or anything. It'll probably finish itself when it's ready haha! "Calendars are for careful people, not passionate ones." - Chuck Sigars

TIME TO GO TO WORK but I'm excited to have the next two days off!! whoohooo! Hopefully I can get some MySpace promo done, update the website, get this new computer, and spend some time relaxing and playing video games and reading hah! Plus, it'd be nice to get into the studio some time soon. AND I'm suppose to go look at some foreclosed houses (wish me luck)

Now that I think of it... the next few days are gonna be kinda busy hahah but theres nothing wrong with that. Either get busy livin' or get busy dyin'

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