Friday, July 10

Only aim up.

Today was pretty eventful hah I woke up around 11am but forced myself to sleep until 2ish. I've gotta work tonight, so it's important I get my rest or else I'll be D E A D around midnite.

Finally rolled outta bed, and went jogging. Got home, showered, and decided to update the blog and MySpace. I've got some new graphics for but I haven't had a chance to swap computers and upload them to the website.

I think I'm gonna go get a laptop with my next paycheck ha. I've wanted one FOREVER and I went looking at some the other day when me and some of the fellas went to Best Buy.. and lemme tell you.. it's pretty much a done deal HAHA!! They've got some super dope, mini laptops for SUPER cheap!! All I really need is something for internet and word processing... something tiny that I can carry around with me everywhere I go. I'd probably get a wireless card for it, and TA-DA! Matty is in business!!! Then, maybe I'd finally get some work done haha I could finish writing this book and definitely stay up on MySpace promotion and website/blog updates.

I don't really need anything super powerful either. I mean.. I've already got 3 desktops haha 1 for graphics, 1 for making beats, and 1 is the studio. All I need now is a little buddy to travel with hahaha make it easier to get online without having to be in the garage or the basement. PLUS sooo many places have wi-fi these days

After spending a couple hours online.. I made some lunch/dinner and read for awhile. At 6ish, I took a little nap for an hour or so before packing a lunch and getting ready for work. I'll be honest, the night shift is starting to grow on me. Plus, I've met a lot of really cool people so far!!

It's refreshing to meet some new faces, too. Ofcourse there are some weirdos that work there haha BUT I LIKE WEIRDOS!! They're usually honest. And, they honestly don't give a fk what you think about them hahaha!! Sometimes, I wish I had more of that in me. I mean, we're all self-conscious about different things... but some people? They walk around like they could honestly care less haha and that's fkn awesome. NOTE TO SELF: Do more of what makes you happy, and care less about everybody else!

Really.. think about it. Wouldn't you rather deal with a weirdo, then some pathological liar whose constantly lying to everybody so that they seem "normal??" Or how about BAD liars haha? I mean, I guess I'd rather somebody be bad at lying than tremendous at it haha but some people are SO BAD at lying, you can see right thru them!! If you feel the same way, then lemme leave you with some inspiring words. "Everybody lies, but it doesn't matter; because nobody listens." - Nick Diamos

OKAY time to go to work already! I'm planning on being in Plymouth tmrw 12noon-6pm.. walking around, passing out handbills and selling CDs. If you're gonna be around town, you should cmon show some love!!!

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