Tuesday, July 21

It don't take a whole day to recognize sunshine

Ahh.. I had such a great work out today!! I went jogging for, what seemed like, forever. Then I got home and did my work out (some crunchs and push-ups) until my body felt DEAD haha. I'm really falling in love with my morning work outs. I like pushing myself as far as I can haha knowing that it's not going to kill me, the pain seems almost.. enjoyable. Let's me get out all my anger and frusteration haha. Work went by so fast, and I wasn't tired when I got home; so I worked out, showered, and made some breakfast. Watched the sun rise :-D

I worked on my book for a few hours before I decided it would probably be best to try and fall asleep haha sure enough didn't wake up until 3pm hahah

Since I woke up so late, it was a pretty uneventful day. I uploaded a few more songs to the SoundClick, and officially kicked off the "Song of the Day" today. Today's song was "Guarenteed Fresh" a track I did awhile ago but I L O V E it like I just recorded it yesterday hah. It's an original beat too, so I'll probably use it as the single for the "Return of the Redeye" mixtape. It's a song, all about how many songs I have haha and how all my shit is guarenteed to be fresh. Both, fresh like it's the shit and fresh like it's brand new.

For a while there, I was recording 3-5 songs a week!!! hahah It was nuts.

After I updated the website, I did a little promo for the SOTD and then started writing for another collaberation I'm doing. I can't wait to have the next two days off work haha I've got tons to finish up. I've been CRAZY busy but I love it haha already got the rest of this week booked up and then this weekend is going to be packed, too!! PLUS, booked another show for August 8th so I'm gonna post the details about that tmrw. whew It's true what they say: "If you observe a really happy man, you will find... that he is happy in the course of living life twenty-four crowded hours each day." - W. Beran Wolfe

Tomorrows agenda: wake up early, update the website, online promo during the early afternoon, and street team around 4-5pm for a few hours... then back to my place for a studio session. Out for pizza and house hunting with the fellas after 7pm-ish.. then ANOTHER studio session in the evening. I'll probably stay up super late haha so maybe more online promo after midnight?? I dunno hah it'll work itself out!

FOR NOW? Back to work haha "There's no business like show business, but there are several businesses like accounting." - David Letterman (1947 - )

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