Saturday, July 18

Might as well roll with it...

I had a really good day at work but BOY am I tired haha I got home and went for a quick jog but the battery on my iPod died out, so I headed home hah. My managers at work must really like me tho hahah because they keep giving me extra hours, which is awesome. They asked if I wanted to work Saturday night and I couldn't say no..

"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." - Henry J. Kaiser (1882 - 1967)

But that means my "weekend off" is not happening hah. Oh well, I need the money anyways.

"Drunk Dials" has slipped back down to #237 today :-/ which isn't bad at all BUT IT'S NOT #1 haha so I'm gonna have to hit the promo EXTRA HARD tmrw!! I got real excited when I seen it hit #288 and I kinda started slippin' (to be honest) hahaha but I can't let up!! I can't get "comfortable." Goes to show you how important each and every day is. Each and every play counts.. and if I don't get to #1, somebody else will. Period.

On the bright side, I got asked to be apart of a showcase on Sept 12th.. so I'll be giving out all the details as soon as I get em. Originally, I was asked to be in the showcase for August 1st but I'm already scheduled to work and I don't really wanna give up the hours; so I had to ask to be in next months show, instead of the one coming up. Either way, it'll give me more time to prepare and promote ;-)

I'll update the calender tmrw after work.. I wanna add some street team days, too. I'll be in downtown Plymouth next week on my days off, selling CD's and handing out handbills again. It went so well last time, that I'm going to make it a point to go down their atleast a few times a month and spend a couple hours putting in work. Nothing beats face to face promotion..

After I woke up, I showered and did some work in the studio.... mixing and mastering some songs I already got recorded. I'm trying to organize the archives a little bit but theres so many damn songs haha it's gonna take some time/work. It'll be nice to have finished, tho. That way, I can put all the finished sessions on my external hard drive, and clear up some space on the studio.

I'm gonna add some more tracks to the SoundClick tmrw so check it out when you get a chance.

Before work, I went out for dinner with my sister and brother-in-law. It's been awhile since we've all had a chance to go out, so that was nice to see them and catch up for a little bit. They didn't come over until 6:30pm tho, so we had to cut it kinda short so that I could make it home in time to get ready and get to work.

Ugh. Another day in the life ;-) hahah

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