Sunday, July 5

Home, sweet home again.

Got back from Cincinnati today. Whew, what a trip!! As much fun as I had... I know it's about time to snap back to reality, you know?? No vacation lasts forever... but a good one will provide memories for a lifetime (got some really good pictures, too!!)

"Life is a voyage that's homeward bound." Herman Melville (1819 - 1891)

After we unpacked the car, the fellas headed home and I went for a walk to clear my head. Ended up chilling out for the rest of the night watching TV and watching that new movie "Role Models" (which I thought was kinda boring to be honest)

I'm trying to stay up as late as possible because I start a new job tmrw and it's working the graveyard shift. I've worked midnights before, but that was years ago.. so it's probably going to take me a while to get use to it. Fk it tho, I'm just glad to have a job!!!

It'll be nice to sleep in my own bed again :-) home, sweet home.

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