Wednesday, July 1

The morning after.

I can't believe it was my birthday yesterday. Weird. And, I can't believe my Cincinnati vacation starts tmrw! Even weirder!!! TIME GOES BY SO FAST sometimes.

I found out that I forsure got that new job, which is awesome. I start the Monday we get back from Cincinnati :-) which is a bitch (coming back from vacation and jumping into a new job) but I'm so excited to start working!!

PS. Sorry for the lack of updates... I've just had a lot of things going on in my personal life (what else is new) but it's distracted me a little bit. I need to put my priorities where they need to be (which I'm sure you can understand) and frankly, somethings I just don't feel like talking about. Regardless, it is my blog and it's meant to be insightful so I apologize. Sometimes, life just has a way of beating you down when we're getting too tall, you know? THERE'S ALWAYS GOTTA BE something GOING ON, huh??

I'm just trying to stay positive and keep looking forward to my much deserved vacation, thank you very much! Meanwhile THANK YOU for your everlasting support! I hope you all can understand where I'm coming from.. I'd rather say nothing at all, than too much.

"In silence, man can most readily preserve his integrity." - Meister Eckhart

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