Saturday, July 4

Happy birthday, America!!

We didn't wake up until 2pm today haha stayed up way too late last night!! I wanted to go skating outside but it was raining, so that canceled those plans. Instead, we all got ready and went to get some food at Johnny Rockets.. this 50's style diner. We ate outside under this awning and these pigeons were so ballsy they kept just walking right over to our feet so I sprayed one with a ketchup bottle haha! It didn't really stop them much but it sure felt like the right thing to do hah

After stuffing our faces, we went next store to the aquarium... and, boy was that cool!!! This place had everything from toads to alligators to eels to all different types of fish. They've got a HUGE jellyfish exibit, where you walk thru this hallway of dark tanks, F I L L E D with different types and colors of jellyfish... all swimming around from floor to ceiling. It felt like I was walking thru a lava lamp haha! Further down, they had an exotic bird exibit (which I didn't really understand, because it was an "aquarium" haha) but they had some of the most beautifully colored birds I'd ever seen up close!! They looked fake almost! Then they had a few of those tunnels you walk thru and the different sharks and fish swim all around you and above your head haha it's kinda freaky! It feels like you're trapped down there hah. Finally, at the end of the whole thing, you can pet some sharks!!!! It was wild!

Seeing all those unique animals and how they live.. it reminds you.. "Nature does nothing uselessly." - Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)

After the aquarium, we headed back to our hotel. The rain had died down, and before we knew it... they're shooting off the fireworks for the 4th of July!!!! We couldn't have PAID for a better view they were RIGHT IN FRONT of our hotel, and we were on the top floor! It's like they were shooting them eye level from our window haha the blasts were setting off car alarms in the parking lot haha. Got a ton of great pictures, too.

To cap the night off, we got all dressed up (so fresh, and so fly) and went out to eat at this really nice fish market!! I don't usually like seafood that much but this was a 4 star resturant and the food was amazing! We ended up meeting the owner (who was from Detroit) and had a really good time talking with him. After that, we just walked the strip and hit up a few different places right by our hotel. That was the best part.. EVERYTHING was with-in walking distance!!

A great ending, to the last day, of a great vacation. Time to hit the sheets so that we can wake up in time to pack, and check out.

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