Wednesday, July 15

Yeah, I'm feelin' kinda bossy.

"The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way" - Unknown

Like I've said before... you never know what the day could bring! I woke up and went for my usual morning run/work out.. then came home and hungout around the house a little bit with my pops. After lunch, I jumped online and started hitting the promo.

SoundClick is running a contest right now to see who can hold the #1 billboard position for 10 days so I figured I would try and direct some traffic to my page. It's been awhile (since the Wolf Gang Radio days) that I've promoted the SoundClick site but fk it. I didn't really have a specific song in mind, just wanted to get people listening to the new tunes. There's tons to choose from.

Well I kept getting alot of positive feedback on the song "Drunk Dials" so I check my stats and HOLY SHIT it was already ranked #844 out of 1,702,538 songs!!! Looks like thats gonna be my cash cow haha so I started promoting ever MORE for that song!

Getting to the #1 spot seems very possible! Especially considering the lead it's already taken!

SOOOO with that being said.. (if you haven't already) surf over to and listen to my song "Drunk Dials" it's a silly ass song but the beat knocks and people seem to love it! SPREAD THE WORD too!! Pass the link along to all your friends who might be interested.. I need all the plays I can get! There's a whole lot of free music available so check me out ;-)

It feels great to be involved with music again. For a while there, I kinda lost my fire but I'M BACK, baby!! And it seems like I've got the ball rolling again so I just need to stick with the momentum and see where it takes me. This music shit might just seem like a hobby or whatever but IT'S MY LIFE really I'm so in love with music. And, I feel like.. if I really stick with it, I have a good shot at living my dream!

I know it won't be easy. But, I'm ready to put in whatever it takes!! There are a million mfkrs out there who want the same things as me, but I've just got to stay focused and consistant, and bring something MORE to the table. "To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act." - Anatole France (1844 - 1924)

I've been doing this rap shit for about 5 years now (taking it seriously for 3) and it's been an incredible journey. I've learned a lot about life, and even more about myself. And I know that even if I don't ever become super rich and famous, I'll always have great memories. I'll always beable to say I gave it my all. I've come so far.. failure isn't even possible. I've already succeeded more than I ever expected!!! "The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance - and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning." - Oprah Winfrey (1954 - )

It's almost time to pack up my lunch and get ready for work... so I gotta pull myself away from this damn contraption haha! I use to talk a bunch of shit about FaceBook.. until I got one haha but I love it now. It's so nice to get back in touch with old friends. MySpace is good for promo and bullshit like that, but FaceBook is so much more personal. It's awesome! And, it's been great to talk to people I haven't seen (or heard from) in years.

It's wild but today marks 2 months of my new, sober lifestyle. The last 60 days have been crazy (to say the least) but if I've learned anything, it's this. "You have no control over what the other guy does. You only have control over what you do." - A. J. Kitt

Take care of yourself.

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