Monday, July 20

Anything is plenty, man.

After a nice, slow, relaxing day at work... I came home and went for a little jog. I've gotta work two more days and then I finally get some time off!! Whoohoo!!! I won't know what to do with myself haha (even tho I've already started a "to-do" list of things I gotta get done)

I've already started to create a little bit of a name for myself at work haha I just like talking to people and I try to have fun when I'm there, thats all. Meeting a lot of new friends, tho. I guess that I've always had that type of personality.. explode in to any new situation and put myself out there haha. "There are two types of people in this World--those who come into a room and say, 'Ah, there you are' and those who come in and say, Well, here I am!" - Frederick L Collins

Got home, and took a shower after my work out; then laid in bed for awhile.. playing on the computer. I got off work a few hours earlier than usual (5am instead of 7am haha) so I wasn't really super tired. Wasted some time doing some online promotion... as always. You know what it is ;-) FINALLY fell asleep

Woke up around 2pm and did a few chores around the house before I headed up to the coffee shop. I feel like such a beatnik when I'm up there haha but fk it they've got cheap Chai tea and free WiFi so I'm there. Uploaded a TON of pictures to my PhotoBucket account so go and check em out if you get bored later... some old, some new. I'm about to do a photo shoot for the new album... gotta get some nice flicks for the promotionals. ALSO; added 14 new songs to the SoundClick haha I'm gonna start doing a "Song of the Day" so be prepared for that!! I've got so many songs that none of you have even heard!!! I figure it's time to start putting em online to give you all a taste of the mixtapes. I've been R E A L L Y pushing myself back in to this music shit. With everything thats going on in my personal life, and everything going on in my professional life... I've been super stressed hah but "Unease lies on the head that wears a crown" so I just need to keep going and going and going and not quit. Greatness is a hard summit to reach. But it all starts with the first step, you know??

Got home around 5ish and chilled around the house until a buddy came and picked me up. Went out and got some dinner before work... talked some business on this house I'm about to get :-D

Insider trading is a mfker hahah!!!

And now, it's about time to go to work. All-in-all, it was a great day! I work again on Tuesday and then I've got Wednesday and Thursday off so I'll be in downtown Plymouth handing out promo and selling CD's. . . if you're gonna be in the area, you should swing thru and say 'whadddup' to me! Before I go, I gotta leave you all with this great quote I just found: "Whether you know it or not, you are already there--You are the beauty, the power, the wisdom, the passion, the knowledge, the fire, the calm, the heart and the soul. You are the Star of your, all you have to do is let yourself shine!" - Unknown

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