Friday, July 17

It's something I'm use to by now.

I feel like a slacker hah I skipped my work out this morning but fk it I was exhausted. I've been goin' on 4 or 5 hrs of sleep and my body can't take much more of it haha.

Woke up and felt pretty refreshed and energized it was nice. Showered, ate a snack, and started working on some beats. I've gotta lot of unfinished collaborations to get finished so I've been trying to tighten up some loose ends. It'll be nice once I'm done, tho. Thru all this online promo I've been doing, I have met a lot of cool cats from all over the place! It can't hurt to have songs all over the state haha

Pretty uneventful day, honestly haha ate dinner with the fam, and then played some video games and did some online promotion before work. I've been trying to switch MySpaces over to my new music page... but adding all my friends from the old page is a pain in my ass!! haha I never understood how some people could spend all day on there but now I've come to realize hah it's such a time consuming process

If you're reading this and HAVEN'T added me as a friend on there... do so, please? it'll save me some time in the long run. Thanks to everybody whose been showin' me love on there, too! I appreciate all the support!!

I added a couple new songs online today but DON'T FORGET to go and play that track "Drunk Dials" a few times ;-) it's ranked #224 now but I WANNA GET #1 AND I'M GONNA NEED YOUR HELP! All it takes is a minute, so crank it!! All you gotta do is go to and then spread the word.. pass the link along to all your friends and family let 'em know how we do it!!!

Alright, time to go pack a lunch and get ready for work. If you've got some time off, ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND everybody!! Go to the beach, or go see a movie or concert, or do SOMETHING hhah and enjoy it with me in mind!! I'll be working, but I'll be there with you in spirit!! "Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally is just the by-product of other activities." - Aldous Huxley (1894 - 1963)

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