Saturday, August 15


"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future." - Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, August 11

Found my freedom.

Ahhh, I'm feeling great! Got off work around 730am and went skating when I got home. Nothing major... just around town. Thought I was gonna get flicked by the police for waxing a ledge haha they kept driving by and giving me the stinky eye but fk the police haha this ledge was way too gnarly to pass up!

Got home, took a shower, and took a nap. Woke up and did a few things around the house blah blah blah hahaha I'm about to completely overhaul the website so stay tuned. I've learned a lot about myself this past year.. and now it's time to reflect that.

I'm reorganizing my Life around, and it feels awesome. I'm ready to move on from all the bullshit... and continue focusing on the positive things that I've got going for me. "Love can be sordid only if you work at it." - Brooke McEldowney, 9 Chickweed Lane, 05-10-2006

Monday, August 10

Hope will heal us all.

I had such a great day off yesterday!! I ended up going out to eat with one of the fellas, and then ended up shooting some pool at night ;-D

YES this is going to be another short post haha I'm just chillin' out and playing some video games before I goto work. Pretty uneventful day, but sometimes.. those are the best. "Treat all disasters as if they were trivialities but never treat a triviality as if it were a disaster." - Quentin Crisp

Sunday, August 9

Hahaha you make me laugh. Yes, YOU.

It's so funny when people put forth effort to contact you.. to tell you how unimportant you are to them. H A H A H A what sweet, sweet irony?

If I'm so unimportant to you.. then please explain why you're even contacting me. Or better yet, thinking about me at all?? Really? Because I'll be honest... every day that goes by, you are the LAST thing to ever cross my mind. And it's great.

I will never understand some people, and their ability to be so self-absorbed; but at the same time.. lack any real personality of their own at all. I'm sorry if MY blogs are "stupid" to you... but if that's really the case then don't read them. It's that simple. Don't go to MY website and click MY link to MY blog and read MY words and thoughts haha and then go to MY page on MySpace and send ME a message about how boring I am HAHAH why not do something for yourself, for once. Please? Get a fkn hobby or something. So worried about ME when you don't even know who YOU are haha it's sad, really.

But the more I find myself even thinking about these things.. the more I realize they aren't even worth being thought of. Infact, it's not even worth the air in my breathe to speak on, nor the energy in my fingers to type. In actuality, you're just another lost soul.. drifting around, clinging onto anything that gives you a feeling of purpose. Anything that will "want" you... even if just for a second. When really, we all know that feeling of "want" will eventually fade away (like it always has) and it will leave you alone and uninteresting (like you always have been)

There ya go, how's T H A T for a boring blog entry for ya ;-)

In other World news.. I've got the day off work, so I'm going to enjoy it as best as I can! Just got back from Nassau Grille for lunch :-D bout to head to the skatepark for a few hours. YES, I am aware that it's 93 degrees out and YES, I know it's so humid you could drink the air haha.. BUT I WANT TO SKATE!! Hopefully I don't die of heat stroke.

Then again.. I guess it wouldn't be a bad way to go ;-) atleast I'd die doing something I love.. and it'd probably make a few people in the World happy to see me go haha But I doubt they'll get that lucky.

Sorry for being so dramatic today ha sometimes it just rubs off on me. Unfortunately, "Being a little dramatic wins more friends than being boring." - Scott Westerfeld, Midnighters: The Secret Hour, 2004

I get so surrounded by animals and clowns.. that it just feel like I'm in a circus sometimes haha!! Oh well, that's Life. "We all carry around so much pain in our hearts. Love and pain and beauty. They all seem to go together like one little tidy confusing package. It's a messy business, life. It's hard to figure--full of surprises. Some good. Some bad." - Henry Bromel, Northern Exposure, The Big Kiss, 1991

Saturday, August 8

The facts of Life.

Blah what a rainy day haha rain makes me lazy. I got off work around 7am and TRIED to go skating but as soon as I got outside it started raining :-/ so I just did my work out at home and went to bed.

Woke up around 2pm and it was STILL raining haha so I guess that cancels my plans of hitting up the park today. I may not be a pro skater but I really am IN LOVE with skating again haha I think about it alllll the time now. It's almost taken over rap as my favorite hobby haha!! :-O not to say I can't love both hah

"Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." - Henry Van Dyke

So since I couldn't skate (damn you rain) instead, I made some chicken burritos and watched that new movie Watchmen. It was a pretty intense movie that seemed to go on fooorrrevvver haha (and I kinda got a little lost in the plot) but it was enjoyable.

I want to learn Portuguese. Random, yes... but I wanna do something I've never done before. I know a little bit of Spanish and a little Japanese but I keep hearing these commercials for that software Rosetta Stone and it really makes me wanna learn a different language. "Eliminate something superfluous from your life. Break a habit. Do something that makes you feel insecure." - Piero Ferrucci

Who am I kidding?? I still have a book to write hahah

Long days = short blogs

Time to relax a little bit before work whew it never stops rollin' hahaha I'm just still tryin' to stay positive and grateful for everything I've got. Let's be honest... up's or down's.. my Life is always pretty awesome :-D

"A full cup must be carried steadily." - English Proverb

Friday, August 7

Thats how it goes some times..

Work, work, skate, work, rap, sleep, work, work, thats all I do haha BUT THATS OKAY!! To say the least, I'm exhausted.. and I've still got a full day ahead of me. I haven't had a chance to jump in the studio in a while, so I'm gonna try and record something tmrw.. but we'll see how that goes.
Other than that, Life is going well. I can't wait to have Sunday off :-D

I'ma go eat a sandwich, and chill out before (you guessed it) going to work haha

"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading." - Henny Youngman (1906 - 1998) hahaha lmfao

Thursday, August 6

Be happy :-)

"Here is a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy......
Ain't got no place to lay your head
Somebody came and took your bed
Don't worry, be happy
The land lord say your rent is late
He may have to litigate
Don't worry, be happy
Lood at me I am happy
Don't worry, be happy
Here I give you my phone number
When you worry call me
I make you happy
Don't worry, be happy
Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
Ain't got not girl to make you smile
But don't worry be happy
Cause when you worry
Your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down
So don't worry, be happy (now).....
There is this little song I wrote
I hope you learn it note for note
Like good little children
Don't worry, be happy
Listen to what I say
In your life expect some trouble
But when you worry
You make it double
Don't worry, be happy......
Don't worry don't do it, be happy
Put a smile on your face
Don't bring everybody down like this
Don't worry, it will soon past
Whatever it is
Don't worry, be happy"

-Bob Marley, "Dont Worry, Be Happy"

Wednesday, August 5

Look above!

"Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in." - Evan Davis

I'd agree, except for the "sleep in" part haha because it feels like I only get about 2hrs of sleep a day haha. I'd say nice guys don't even get to finish at all hahah sorry I know that was random but thats how I feel about it some times ha!

I got off work around 730am.. came home and could only sleep until 11am. Woke up and worked on a few things in the studio.. then went to the skate park again :-D yea yea sk8 or die bro hahaha

Had a GREAT session today, tho!! Spent 6hrs at the park :-) and I was turning heads (literally) it felt awesome. I can definitely tell that I'm starting to get back to the skill level I use to be at. I was pullin' out some big tricks today, and I didn't fall (BIG fall) once. I've started meeting people there, too.. which is nice. It's always good to have a few people in your phonebook to skate with, you know? It's just like anything else.. you feed off each others energy.

I want to start passing out CDs at the skate parks.. tap into that crowd a little bit. Maybe even try and set up a show at a park? Hip hop and skating go hand in hand... the energy, the rebellion, and the swag. I think it'd be awesome to do some live music at a park... get a LOUD system and have cats skating while I'm rappin' haha it's be dope. It'd be pretty easy to set up, too!

After reading that book "The Secret," I've started to harness it's power, and take advantage of the opportunities. I've realized that you can create ANYTHING for yourself.. you just have to think of it and feel it's ability to be truth. Our minds are stronger than we can comprehend. Everything in this World... all began with a thought. From the greatest invention to the most insightful words, to a powerful protest or gathering of the masses. From the deadliest wars, to the instruments that play a love song hah they ALL started in somebody's mind.

Even down to something so small and insignificant as skating. It's all about visualization. "Everything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973)

It's like Kung-Fu hahaha

I'm about to get showered up, and then I'm going out to eat with my sister :-D brother/sissy time haha I love spending time with her. It's so funny how much we use to HATE eachother when we were younger haha our house was like Royal Rumble sometimes

Geez, I love days off haha Jah bless!!!

Tuesday, August 4

No one can touch us.

Woke up kinda early today (before 8am) and went for a short jog before making some breakfast. Then, just chilled out around the house before work..

Got home around 4pm and took a shower and all that jazz. Walked up to the library to return some books, and ended up checking out two more :-D I've been quite the nerd recently. I'm gonna keep this post short I still wanna take a nap before I go into work tonight. Life is great, tho... and, I'm very happy with the way that everything is going right now!

Live big, Dream bigger... that's my new motto. "Nothing is impossible. Some things are just less likely than others." - Jonathan Winters

Monday, August 3

Shred it gnar-gnar, bro!!

Whew! Finally got a day off hahah whoohoooo!!! I came home at 8am and just collapsed hah skipped my morning work out. In my defense, I knew I was gonna go skating this afternoon but I still felt guilty as hell when I was laying in bed hah (yeah, I know. I'm a weirdo..)

I woke up around 1130am, and made some breakfast. Whenever I have days off... it doesn't matter how exhausted I am haha I still wake up suuuuper early so that I can enjoy the entire day. I started off by making some lunch and doing some errands around the house. Around 1pm, I chilled out in the studio and wrote to a new beat :-D makin' that hot fire!!! "When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece." - John Ruskin (1819 - 1900)

At 3ish my younger cousin came over and we kicked it around the house for a minute. I went to Dunams and Play-It-Again Sports and got a helmet and some wrist guards and knee pads haha and we went to a skatepark in Westland hahaha!!! It was fkn awesome!

For those of you who don't know, I use to aggressive skate... like, 24/7 when I was younger. I mean, I use to have ramps and rails in my garage (my dad is quite the handy man) and I use to do competitions and was even featured in a few videos haha!! Keep in mind, this is yeeears ago. 8th grade, maybe?

Well since I've been working out, I occasionally will go rollerblading around thru town and it's got me thinking more and more about skating haha so I decided fk it I'm gonna get some pads and hit up a park. And thats exactly what I did hahaha

One thing I will say: after being there for a few minutes I noticed that some kids are amazing!! AND, they made me feel old as hell hahaha but whatever; Tony Hawk is like 40 years old and he's still doin' his thang, right??

Now, I'll be the first to admit.. I wasn't nearly as sweet as I use to be. But keep in mind, I haven't done this shit in almost 6 years? haha I went a few times in college just because the campus was so much fun to tear up.. but even my skates are throwbacks haha got em in 97!

It just honestly felt G R E A T to get out there and do it up. Push myself to the limits. I was real proud of myself, and I think I had a smile glued on my face the entire time hahah!!! Yeah, I fell a few times (banged up my wrist a little, and scrapped my knee) but that's the rules of the game. You NEVER go out there and come home completely unscathed. If so, then you didn't really skate. That's the best part!! Visualizing a trick you want to do; and then trying it over and over until you stick it! Yeah, you're gonna fall. But you get back up and try again. And once you finally land, it's the best feeling in the World! "There is nothing like a dream to create the future. Utopia to-day, flesh and blood tomorrow." Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885), Les Miserables, 1862

I think I'm gonna start making it (atleast) a weekly thing. It really felt awesome to get out there again... "shred it gnar-gnar, bro" haha!! At first I kinda felt stupid and old haha but by the time I left, it was one of the best days I've had in a loooooong time. I was talking to all the younger kids, and kept trying harder and harder tricks hah it was incredible.

Came home, showered up, and then me and my cousin went out to get some food and play some pool. All in all?? An excellent fkn day!!! NOT looking forward to going back to work tmrw (gotta work a double at both jobs) but atleast I got Wednesday off :-D and you can already guess what I've got planned.

Sunday, August 2

Hope you got ya lunch packed.

Busy as fk today haha, so I'm sorry for the short post ha. Worked until 730am this morning... came home and worked out for an hour and a half. Tried to stay awake because I had to go to my second job at 10am. Party on, right? Made some cinnamon and chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, and read my book for an hour or so before I left for the gig.

Got off work a little early because we were slow, so I got home around 3pm :-) took a shower and got changed. My buddy hit me up and I wasn't tired (had caught my second wind) so we went and got some food at Ruby Tuesdays

Came back home a little while ago... decided to work on another new song haha ;-) I've been on some real insightful, chill shit. I like it!! "Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth." - Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862)

Song of the Day is still gonna be "Good As Could Be" because y'all seem to be bangin' that one out!! Right now, it's ranked at #916 out of 1,719,832 songs! If you haven't checked it out yet, then go and crank it.. and if you've already heard it, go give it another listen ;-) it's worth it.

I'm bout to go lay down and get some winks in before work (again) tonight. I'm real excited to have a day off tmrw haha that goes without saying. Hope you all had a good weekend!!

Saturday, August 1

What you know about that??

We were SO SLAMMED at work :-/ I didn't get home until 9am. whew. Yeah, yeah, yeah.. that's an 11hr shift, folks. But atleast I got some overtime this week.

Regardless of how exhausted I was, I still forced myself to go work out. I didn't do as much as I usually would.. but I figured I might as well go do what I could. Got home, made some food, and passed out on the couch watching the X-Games on TV haha those dudes are nuts.

I had a pretty uneventful day haha just tried to save up some energy for tonight. I work at 10pm... then go to my second job at 10am til 4pm.. then work again at 10pm on Sunday :-( and you know what?? Fk a double, thats more like working a triple if you ask me.

It was nice to relax, tho. I've had a lot on my mind these past few days. I keep telling myself to stay positive, and to let it go.. but it's hard sometimes, you know?? I've got so many awesome things going on in my Life, I just wish I had somebody to share it with.. you know? But they say you can't fully love another until you love yourself so thats what I'm doing I'm just focusing on ME right now. It's all I can do. "The roses, the lovely notes, the dining and dancing are all welcome and splendid. But when the Godiva is gone, the gift of real love is having someone who'll go the distance with you. Someone who, when the wedding day limo breaks down, is willing to share a seat on the bus." - Oprah Winfrey (1954 - )

I've just been so damn busy haha the days fly by so fast!! My weekends don't even seem anything like they use to haha I can remember GOING OUT and partying and enjoying my time with friends haha NOT SO MUCH anymore but thats okay I'm still as good as could be ;-) hahaha! I'm really looking forward to Monday tho.. got the day off, and I've made some plans already for the afternoon AND the evening. It'll be a good day :-D

Time to eat some dinner, and get ready to goto work. Hopefully, we won't be as busy as last night ha. I'm sucha busy boy now hahaha oh well time to grow up. Adios!

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work... I want to achieve it through not dying." - Woody Allen (1935 - ) hahaha!