Sunday, August 9

Hahaha you make me laugh. Yes, YOU.

It's so funny when people put forth effort to contact you.. to tell you how unimportant you are to them. H A H A H A what sweet, sweet irony?

If I'm so unimportant to you.. then please explain why you're even contacting me. Or better yet, thinking about me at all?? Really? Because I'll be honest... every day that goes by, you are the LAST thing to ever cross my mind. And it's great.

I will never understand some people, and their ability to be so self-absorbed; but at the same time.. lack any real personality of their own at all. I'm sorry if MY blogs are "stupid" to you... but if that's really the case then don't read them. It's that simple. Don't go to MY website and click MY link to MY blog and read MY words and thoughts haha and then go to MY page on MySpace and send ME a message about how boring I am HAHAH why not do something for yourself, for once. Please? Get a fkn hobby or something. So worried about ME when you don't even know who YOU are haha it's sad, really.

But the more I find myself even thinking about these things.. the more I realize they aren't even worth being thought of. Infact, it's not even worth the air in my breathe to speak on, nor the energy in my fingers to type. In actuality, you're just another lost soul.. drifting around, clinging onto anything that gives you a feeling of purpose. Anything that will "want" you... even if just for a second. When really, we all know that feeling of "want" will eventually fade away (like it always has) and it will leave you alone and uninteresting (like you always have been)

There ya go, how's T H A T for a boring blog entry for ya ;-)

In other World news.. I've got the day off work, so I'm going to enjoy it as best as I can! Just got back from Nassau Grille for lunch :-D bout to head to the skatepark for a few hours. YES, I am aware that it's 93 degrees out and YES, I know it's so humid you could drink the air haha.. BUT I WANT TO SKATE!! Hopefully I don't die of heat stroke.

Then again.. I guess it wouldn't be a bad way to go ;-) atleast I'd die doing something I love.. and it'd probably make a few people in the World happy to see me go haha But I doubt they'll get that lucky.

Sorry for being so dramatic today ha sometimes it just rubs off on me. Unfortunately, "Being a little dramatic wins more friends than being boring." - Scott Westerfeld, Midnighters: The Secret Hour, 2004

I get so surrounded by animals and clowns.. that it just feel like I'm in a circus sometimes haha!! Oh well, that's Life. "We all carry around so much pain in our hearts. Love and pain and beauty. They all seem to go together like one little tidy confusing package. It's a messy business, life. It's hard to figure--full of surprises. Some good. Some bad." - Henry Bromel, Northern Exposure, The Big Kiss, 1991

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