Wednesday, August 5

Look above!

"Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in." - Evan Davis

I'd agree, except for the "sleep in" part haha because it feels like I only get about 2hrs of sleep a day haha. I'd say nice guys don't even get to finish at all hahah sorry I know that was random but thats how I feel about it some times ha!

I got off work around 730am.. came home and could only sleep until 11am. Woke up and worked on a few things in the studio.. then went to the skate park again :-D yea yea sk8 or die bro hahaha

Had a GREAT session today, tho!! Spent 6hrs at the park :-) and I was turning heads (literally) it felt awesome. I can definitely tell that I'm starting to get back to the skill level I use to be at. I was pullin' out some big tricks today, and I didn't fall (BIG fall) once. I've started meeting people there, too.. which is nice. It's always good to have a few people in your phonebook to skate with, you know? It's just like anything else.. you feed off each others energy.

I want to start passing out CDs at the skate parks.. tap into that crowd a little bit. Maybe even try and set up a show at a park? Hip hop and skating go hand in hand... the energy, the rebellion, and the swag. I think it'd be awesome to do some live music at a park... get a LOUD system and have cats skating while I'm rappin' haha it's be dope. It'd be pretty easy to set up, too!

After reading that book "The Secret," I've started to harness it's power, and take advantage of the opportunities. I've realized that you can create ANYTHING for yourself.. you just have to think of it and feel it's ability to be truth. Our minds are stronger than we can comprehend. Everything in this World... all began with a thought. From the greatest invention to the most insightful words, to a powerful protest or gathering of the masses. From the deadliest wars, to the instruments that play a love song hah they ALL started in somebody's mind.

Even down to something so small and insignificant as skating. It's all about visualization. "Everything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973)

It's like Kung-Fu hahaha

I'm about to get showered up, and then I'm going out to eat with my sister :-D brother/sissy time haha I love spending time with her. It's so funny how much we use to HATE eachother when we were younger haha our house was like Royal Rumble sometimes

Geez, I love days off haha Jah bless!!!

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