Monday, August 3

Shred it gnar-gnar, bro!!

Whew! Finally got a day off hahah whoohoooo!!! I came home at 8am and just collapsed hah skipped my morning work out. In my defense, I knew I was gonna go skating this afternoon but I still felt guilty as hell when I was laying in bed hah (yeah, I know. I'm a weirdo..)

I woke up around 1130am, and made some breakfast. Whenever I have days off... it doesn't matter how exhausted I am haha I still wake up suuuuper early so that I can enjoy the entire day. I started off by making some lunch and doing some errands around the house. Around 1pm, I chilled out in the studio and wrote to a new beat :-D makin' that hot fire!!! "When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece." - John Ruskin (1819 - 1900)

At 3ish my younger cousin came over and we kicked it around the house for a minute. I went to Dunams and Play-It-Again Sports and got a helmet and some wrist guards and knee pads haha and we went to a skatepark in Westland hahaha!!! It was fkn awesome!

For those of you who don't know, I use to aggressive skate... like, 24/7 when I was younger. I mean, I use to have ramps and rails in my garage (my dad is quite the handy man) and I use to do competitions and was even featured in a few videos haha!! Keep in mind, this is yeeears ago. 8th grade, maybe?

Well since I've been working out, I occasionally will go rollerblading around thru town and it's got me thinking more and more about skating haha so I decided fk it I'm gonna get some pads and hit up a park. And thats exactly what I did hahaha

One thing I will say: after being there for a few minutes I noticed that some kids are amazing!! AND, they made me feel old as hell hahaha but whatever; Tony Hawk is like 40 years old and he's still doin' his thang, right??

Now, I'll be the first to admit.. I wasn't nearly as sweet as I use to be. But keep in mind, I haven't done this shit in almost 6 years? haha I went a few times in college just because the campus was so much fun to tear up.. but even my skates are throwbacks haha got em in 97!

It just honestly felt G R E A T to get out there and do it up. Push myself to the limits. I was real proud of myself, and I think I had a smile glued on my face the entire time hahah!!! Yeah, I fell a few times (banged up my wrist a little, and scrapped my knee) but that's the rules of the game. You NEVER go out there and come home completely unscathed. If so, then you didn't really skate. That's the best part!! Visualizing a trick you want to do; and then trying it over and over until you stick it! Yeah, you're gonna fall. But you get back up and try again. And once you finally land, it's the best feeling in the World! "There is nothing like a dream to create the future. Utopia to-day, flesh and blood tomorrow." Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885), Les Miserables, 1862

I think I'm gonna start making it (atleast) a weekly thing. It really felt awesome to get out there again... "shred it gnar-gnar, bro" haha!! At first I kinda felt stupid and old haha but by the time I left, it was one of the best days I've had in a loooooong time. I was talking to all the younger kids, and kept trying harder and harder tricks hah it was incredible.

Came home, showered up, and then me and my cousin went out to get some food and play some pool. All in all?? An excellent fkn day!!! NOT looking forward to going back to work tmrw (gotta work a double at both jobs) but atleast I got Wednesday off :-D and you can already guess what I've got planned.

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