Tuesday, June 16

Wow. It's been a month already.

Time flies when your having fun, huh?? I can't believe that I've been doing this blog.. and sobriety.. for a MONTH now. It's pretty wild to think about but it feels G R E A T!! I'm real proud of myself, and the changes I've made in my life. I've just got to stay focused, and committed; and the possibilities will be endless!!

I went and got a new phone today :-( which sucks because it's the LAST thing I wanted to spend money on but atleast I got a pretty good deal. And really, it was time for an upgrade anyways ha. BUT THAT MEANS I've lost all my contacts soooooo if you're reading this, shoot me a txt or call me. I've still got the same number but chances are I DON'T HAVE YOURS hah.

Other than that, I went around job hunting from 10am to 4pm today haha I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL I FIND A GREAT JOB! I'm so determined. I literally turned in about 50 applications I would guess hah but it felt great to get out there like that. My wrist is cramped, my feet are tired, and I never want to write my own name again!! hahaha BUT atleast I should get some more offers by the end of this week! I know that I've got alot to offer a company.. it's just a matter of getting their attention and an opportunity to talk to somebody in power. After that... after it's in MY HANDS... it's a wrap! Theres only ONE job interview I've had where I didn't get the job offer. One. EVER. Haha so the numbers are in my favor haha I'd like to think I'm great at interviews. But like I said... it's all a matter of getting PAST the "application" process, and beating out the hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of other applicants.

I just find myself at ease in these kind of situations. Acting completely natural during an interview. And, I think that's what they look for. "It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers." - James Thurber (1894 - 1961)

After all the running around... I took a shower and made some dinner for the family. Nice guy, huh?? I wouldn't say I'm a great cook or anything.. but I've been known to whip up a meal or two haha and especially more recently I've been trying to get some practice in. I just like taking a normal recipe, and tricking it out a little bit haha! Like tonight I made tuna noodle casserole but I added bacon bits and shredded cheese and then I twice baked it with a layer of Cheese-It crumbs on top haha yeah BAMin like Emril over here. You'd be surprised ;-)

I'm exhausted tho. Time to lay down and read for a little bit. I need to get some rest I've got that job fair tmrw, and then I'm going to take advantage of being all dressed up and go turn in some more applications. PLUS I've gotta call back all the places I visited ystrday hah should be another long, productive day. I heard it was gonna rain and that's kinda poopy.. but, as one of my sister's friends likes to say; without rain, there would be no rainbows

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