Monday, June 15

Now its time to take it easy

I've had a pretty chill day today... except I lost my phone last night!!! I dunno about you guys but I HATE the feeling of losing something. Especially because I used it late night and didn't leave my house after that... which would mean... it's GOTTA BE HERE SOMEWHERE haha fk me. I'm such an idiot sometimes, I swear. It'd say "blonde" but that's offensive to every blonde who DIDN'T lose their phone last night haha

That's the worst feeling ever haha it's driving me nuts!! I've combed over the entire house tho.. and the yard.. and my car haha and the garage. It's NOWHERE?

So after spending (literally) hours searching I have given up :-(

Did some errands and job hunting and then helped my dad (we're waterproofing our leaky basement) and; got a good chance to spend some father/son time with him haha even tho he likes to bust my chops sometimes it was still nice. He's noticed all the changes in me and said he's proud, and is just trying to keep me motivated :-D

I'm going to a job fair on Wednesday so that's pretty exciting ha I'ma get all suited and booted and walk in there confidently feeling like a million bucks. Damn near demand a job hahaha that's how you gotta do it!! It's for a bunch of major banks tho so I'm slightly intimidated I won't lie hah I've just gotta keep my composure and turn on the charm like I know I can.

Before every great reward, stands a mighty challenge. I've learned that the hardway hah. But I accept that, and I'm ready to take it head on!! "You've got to take the bitter with the sour." - Samuel Goldwyn (1882 - 1974)

Had a really great weekend, but I'm still exhausted. I'm bout to go lay down and read a book. I've been digging into this classic national treasure entitled: "The People's History of the United States of America" and I gotta say... WOW! I don't read much (at all) haha but this book is so inspiring, provoking, and completely captivating I (almost) can't put it down haha. Honestly! It brings out so many different emotions and I'm only on the chapter about Women's sufferage!! I'd definitely recommend it to anybody who would LIKE to read but has never been drawn into a book before. This isn't some cute little story, it is the RAW and completely UNCUT history of this country. And, it's awesome.

It's actually a textbook from college that I never really read while I was in class haha (no wonder I haven't graduated) but I found it while I was cleaning the basement and decided to give it a chance. Just another one of those crazy little sparks of Life. "Just because something doesn't go how you planned to, doesn't mean it's useless." - Thomas A. Edison (1847 - 1931) hah ain't THAT the truth?!

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