Wednesday, June 17

Look at where I've been, and where I'm going.

It's insane to think that a month ago, I was sitting down here in my basement... late as hell... accepting my flaws, and willing to change my life. It was definitely a hard bite to swallow.. but I did it. And goddamn what a roller coaster it's already been haha but that's Life. And now, the "day at a time" becomes a "month at a time" until it will be a "year at a time" hahaha

"Things do not change; we change." - Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862)

And sure enough, as much as I've changed myself.. I've noticed signifigant changes in my own life. My relationships.. my personal health.. my mood. All reflect a positive change that started internally. I've realized that, the more serious we take these changes in our Life.. the more serious the changes will become. It's like I'm a catepiller.. ready to cacoon up and become a beautiful butterfly. "Any transition serious enough to alter your definition of self, will require not just small adjustments in your way of living and thinking but a full-on metamorphosis." - Martha Beck

I'm here to say that: If I can do it, anybody can. Maybe you don't need to make the same changes as I have made/am trying to make.. but we ALL KNOW how we can improve. We all know where we WANT to be and WHO we want to be. It's all just a matter of using each and every day to make small steps towards becoming what we see. Every marathon starts with that first step.

The job fair yesterday when G R E A T and I found a job at a bank that I would really love to get!!! I think I could realisitically get it, too!! I'm just gonna have to stay persistant, and focused! After leaving their (around 9am) I went around and dropped off copies of my resume to a few other banks. I figured, since I was all suited and booted... might as well, right? It's funny how people treat you when you're wearing a suit haha the level of respect goes thru the roof. I stopped and got some lunch at Subway and the kids kept calling me "Sir" it made me laugh hah

NOTE TO ALL MICHIGANDERS: Don't let 'em fool you there are TONS of jobs out there right now you've just got to get off your ass and go get one!!! In this past 3 days, I've applied to about 70 places that ALL say they are hiring. Not just "accepting applications" they are HIRING. Some may be less that desirable but shiiiit money is money and I dunno about you BUT I LOVE MONEY!!! I wanna put myself in a situation where I can pick and choose which ones I want haha wouldn't that be nice??

Time to cook up some dinner for the fam... my new past time. Tonight?? I was thinkin' grilled chicken tacos with some spanish rice and homemade queso dip ;-)

And then HOPEFULLY I can get some more work done on this outline. I've been soooo fkn busy (and soooo fkn exhausted) that I usually read a little bit and pass out!!! I REALLY need to get a job or 3 but after that (with whatever free time I'll have) I'm gonna focus on getting this book done. It should be remarkable!

I know it terms of cents and dollars, change isn't much. But I've come to notice one thing. In life; personal change is powerful. "Change your thoughts and you change your world." - Norman Vincent Peale

One month down; MANY months to go. Hope you stay along with me for the ride.

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