Friday, June 19

Welcome back to my life.

Isn't it weird how deeply confusing relationships can be? I take that back... not "can be;" but "are." Every time you think you've got them figured out... something slaps you in the face haha and tells you "NOPE" and it completely recreates itself!! I think that's why true love, and long lasting marriages GROW. They aren't the same year after year. They move, and grow, and change just like our bodies do.

Can you love somebody... and, still betray them? Can you still love somebody, even after they've betrayed you?? I think the answer to both of those questions is YES!! I almost think that you wouldn't know what love is until you are faced with these kind of situations. There is a difference between LOVE, and infatuation. Sometimes, love hurts. Sometimes, love needs it's own space to move. It needs it's own time to grow. "Just because you love someone doesn't mean you have to be involved with them. Love is not a bandage to cover wounds." - Hugh Elliott

What the fk do I know, tho?? I'm pretty terrible at relationships hah I'm just trying to make sense of it all, you know?

That's the funniest part of it all. Love breaks you down just as much as it builds you up. By saying "love," you aren't being specific.. because LOVE involves every human emotion possible. Sometimes, it can be so hard to let people close to us go. And then again; sometimes, it can be so hard to welcome them back :-/

I'm just afraid of getting my heart broken again.

But I'll be the first one to admit it. I've done my deal of breaking hearts. I've been in relationships where I've cheated, I've lied, I've been that asshole all women hate. But I've also been sensual and caring and a bit hopeless romantic, too. Prince charming. That's what love will do to you. It makes you see everything you hate about yourself haha and makes you want to change those things immediately! Until you can accept that defeat, you will never find Love. "True love brings up everything - it's like you're allowing a mirror to be held up to you daily." - Jennifer Aniston

And that's where I'm at right now. I've realized it... I love. And I'm not sure if I'm loved back, but I can't help but to continue to LOVE. And honestly at first it sucked haha but that was just my selfishness. Yes, I MATT YOUNG CAN BE SELFISH haha believe it or not but I can also LOVE absolutely. And right now; there is so much passion in me, sometimes it feels like my heart could explode!! But I've got no choice but to keep it all in my chest, and keep on moving.

Because love moves; and love grows.

"To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. To just give. That takes courage, because we don't want to fall on our faces or leave ourselves open to hurt." - Madonna (1958 - )

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