Thursday, June 18

The land of the lost.

I've got to admit.. today was a good day. Some jobs called me back and set up interviews for Friday and Monday so that's always good!! Whenever I think of something negative going on.. I try to just think about all the positive things I've got in my life!! Loving friends and family.. my health... and a bright future. Sure, I guess some things could be better but ey it could be a lot worse. That's how you've got to take on each day. Loving and embracing each moment. Sometimes, the best medication is just accepting your life as it is. "Things could always be worse; for instance, you could be ugly and work in the Post Office." - Adrienne E. Gusoff

Even tho, right about now; I'd definitely take a job at the Post Office hahaha

I'm learning to just let things roll off me (which isn't so easy at times) but it's something I've got to do. I can't control the World, I can only control myself.

After a long afternoon of job hunting, one of my friends came by with his old Nintendo 64 hahaha IT WAS GREAT!! Blast from the past, that's for sure. Brought back good memories of him and I sitting around as teenagers, staying up ALL night playing the same damn games over and over haha it was fun. I also WROTE A SONG haha well.... kinda! I started a new song, atleast. But it has been FOREVER since I've even done that and boy did it feel weird at first. I kinda struggled with it (believe it or not) but it's like riding a bike you've just got to hop on and peddle.

I'm just at a point in my life where I am trying my hardest to forgive those who have hurt me the most.. and ask for forgiveness from those I've hurt. I want my relationships to move on to better things. I deserve it, and so do they. "Forgiveness is almost a selfish act because of its immense benefits to the one who forgives." - Lawana Blackwell

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