Tuesday, June 9

The tables have turned.

I know we have to look forward but sometimes it's so hard :-/ isn't it?? It doesn't matter if you're talking about a year, a month, a week, or a day... looking in the past is something we ALL are guilty of doing. Sometimes we use the past to justify something in the present. We'll think to ourselves: "he had it coming to him" etc.. Sometimes we rationalize with our past, and think about how different our future is going to be.

Sometimes we just DWELL. Past success or failure.. past memories, past relationships, even opportunities of the past. But it's entirely too possible to become WRAPPED UP in our past. It's obviously nothing we can change... but we forget how easy it is to rewrite our futures haha each and every day, we are given another chance at this crazy game called Life.

We've all got a beautiful and fulfilling life to live. Everything is up to us, and what we choose to do. How we decide to live. Bob Marley said: "if it don't come, I've got to go looking for happiness" and I really love that mentality! You can't expect good things to fall in your lap. Look at these billionaire teenagers, children of celebrities, etc.. these people are usually miserable haha they just look great while they do it! Drug addicts with expensive taste. Selfish. Self-centered, and spoiled rotten. They don't appreciate a damn thing!!

You've got to be a warrior and march with your head held high, right thru any storm in your path! On the other side... the sun will shine brilliantly, and has never felt so warm! TRUST ME I've been there before!!! It's true, the best things in life are free of cost.. but are great in sacrifice!

You can obtain it ALL but you've got to help YOURSELF first!

Right now tho, every single one of us are cheating ourselves. I DON'T CARE how successful you THINK you are, you S T I L L aren't realizing your real potential! Guaranteed!! Not until we quit arguing and fighting over bullshit... Not until we stop dividing and conquering ourselves... we all got so caught up in our Starbucks and our MTV and our i-Phones that we forgot what humans are really capable of!

Remember what it was like without the internet?!


But believe it or not.. people use to exist without all this garbage haha and infact they got to be so smart they INVENTED this shit we use everyday hahaha

Some of us can't even do math without a calculator haha or an essay without spell check! Or a debate without Google. We can't even reminisce things anymore without photos and videos.. and we don't date without Facebook haha it's pretty fkn pathetic. Books?? That's what the movies are for. Advice?? That's what the TV is for. Newspapers?? That's what blogs are for.....right??

hahaha Yeeaaah I'm completely aware how hypocritical I'm being-

But what do you want ME to do about it?? I'll admit it: I would LOVE to quit rapping and blogging and working and just PACK UP and move to a tropic island hah that would be fkn awesome. Honestly that would be the best thing I could ever imagine hahah that's LIVING right there!! I would just survive off the land.. maybe take up a trade and live like the locals. Probably spend my nights playing some hand drums around a campfire. haha Yea yea yea I'd be poor as shit, but at least everybody else would be too!

Too bad it's not that easy :-[

And as powerful as we all wish we were haha there are some things that I can never change. All I can do is S M I L E, and keep looking forward. Not even days or weeks ahead... maybe just hours? Just take each day as it comes... and try my hardest to enjoy everything in my way. Even the small jabs haha.. just take them, and embrace them! It may be annoying but fk it WHO KNOWS what it may bring!! And, who knows when your last day will be? This isn't a job folks, this is Life! You don't get a two weeks notice-

But don't take MY word for it... wtf do I know?? I'm just some idiot on a computer. "How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live." - Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862)

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