Sunday, June 14

Oh, what a night..

Had a GREAT time last night!!! We ended up taking a party bus to downtown Royal Oak (which I've never done before) and GODDAMN was it cool!! By the end of the night there was some drama but that can only be expected when you've got 25 people together hah! Either way, it was a good time and I hope everybody had as much fun as I did! I'm gonna try and post pictures later

Today, me and my cousin and some of my friends went uptown and shot the shit.. ended up running into some of my sister's friends so they grabbed some chairs and joined us. Small world, huh? Good times tho. Her (my sister) wedding is coming up so fast!!!! I can't believe it haha the past 6 months have been CRAZY and the next 6 are guaranteed to be even crazier but I'm excited and anxious.

I've been trying to consciously be nicer.. just in general. I've realized that being in a shitty mood only makes the rest of your day shitty haha there's no point in it. "The end result of kindness is that it draws people to you." - Anita Roddick

Sometimes, being nice is harder than we think isn't it?? haha But that's what makes a man strong. His ability to remain himself under any circumstances.

I'm trying my hardest.

Sometime I feel like I'm trying too hard. Not to be nice.. just in general. Trying to accomplish too much at once haha always been a problem of mine. I'm never satisfied haha!! I've got to learn some patience hah that's forsure. I like immediate results. But things don't always work that way, do they?? Well fk it tho, I'ma keep grabbing for the stars!! "If you aspire to the highest place, it is no disgrace to stop at the second, or even the third, place." - Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC)

All I can do is take things a day at a time ;-) "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 - 1945)

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