Saturday, June 13

Give yourself a good name.

Woke up and did a few things around the house today.. not too exciting haha. Trying to stay in good spirits. Later on tonight I'm going out and meeting up with some people for my friend's birthday and that should be pretty awesome. His girlfriend went all out haha and I guess it was going to be a surprise but he already found out haha bummer but still should be fun. I haven't seen any of them in forever it feels like. But you always know who your true friends are on your birthday, don't you?? That's when you can really tell who cares about you. Because it's not about parties and gifts anymore haha (remember those days?) it's just about spending time together.

Speaking of birthdays.... MINES COMING UP!!! I can't believe it either, it seems like time is just flying by!! I don't have any plans yet but it will be interesting, I'm sure. I want to do something, tho.. nothing big just BBQ or something like that. My first sober birthday since... damn... years?? haha It's all good though I'm sure it'll be great!

In unrelated news.. I want to spend more time working on this book. I've got a really good outline started, but I need to do some research, and start putting some meat on the bones. I think the process of WRITING the book is going to be more rewarding then actually trying to publish it. For some reason, my head works much better when it's putting something down on paper hah I've always been good at writing. Always enjoyed it. But, I've never really tried something like this. Should be interesting.

This is gonna be a short post today I know my bad I've just got a lot going on right now. But shit... that's life! It never stops, does it?? "Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use."- Wendell Johnson

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