Wednesday, June 24

I'ma take it there.

Today was one of the best days I've had in a LOOOOOOONG time haha IT WAS GREAT!! I started the day off by doing some laundry and mowing the lawn.. and since I was already dripping wet with sweat, I decided to go running. GOT 5 MILES IN!!!

After I showered and made some lunch, it was time to go grind out. Walked up to downtown Plymouth and made my rounds, sellin' CDs and handin' out handbills. Ended up making a little more than $30 from 2pm-3:30pm, selling $1 CDs!! hahaha THAT'S WHATS UP, GOOD LOOKIN' PLYMOUTH y'all showed some love! I was able to network a little bit too... met some very cool people! One dude does DVDs and promotions for iLLflow magazine (whose Owner I personally know and work with) so we instantly connected on that, and exchanged numbers. I'ma definitely have to hit him up on some film production business! This other lady was a massage therapist right here in Plymouth and because she didn't have any cash on her to buy a CD, she gave me her business card and offered me a free massage in exchange for a mixtape HAHAH who can turn that down?? The best was all the groups of high school kids THEY WERE SO IN TO IT haha it was awesome! By the time I was ready to leave, I had heard 3 different cars drive by bangin' my CD hahaha!!! Local celebrity status.

I've realized that it all comes down to DECIDING to get up get out and do something. You can't sit around and wait for good things to happen you've gotta go MAKE them happen!! "Determine never to be idle...It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing." - Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826)

After making a few laps around the park, I headed back home. My plan was to eat some dinner, and head back up into Plymouth around 5pm or 6pm to sell more CDs... you know, tryn catch the bar crowd. CHANGE OF PLANS haha my boy calls me and says we should kick it so I met up with some friends and went downtown for Detroit's fireworks show. As to be expected, IT WAS PACKED DOWN THERE!!! We got there early as fk to beat the traffic and tryn get a good spot to watch the fireworks.. but first we had to get somethin' to eat. Stopped in at Tom's Oyster Bar on Jefferson to get some burgers and kill some time before the sun went down.

Good thing I brought another 30-or-somethin' CDs and plenty of handbills hahaha IT WAS A SEA OF PEOPLE!! Especially in Hart Plaza haha it was shoulder to shoulder! Me and the fellas walked around and did some shameless self-promotion before we found a prime spot to chill and watch the show. It was so nice to be with some friends I haven't hungout with in FOREVER. Reminded me of last summer... being under the sun and chillin' wit the fellas! I'm glad I brought my digi camera too I got some great pics!!

Unexpectedly ran into some more friends down there, so we kicked it with them for a minute until the fireworks were done. THEN it got insane down there hahaha it took hours for everybody to walk up towards the water front and take their seats for the show; but then the show was over and suddenly 5 million people ALL immediately turn around and head back to their cars AT THE SAME TIME!

We went back to the car and seen all the traffic and said fk it: might as well chill downtown for a little bit. We can either sit in a car for 2 or 3 hours... or we can walk around for 2 more hours and still get home at the same time hahaha! So we grabbed some more promo and some more CDs from the car, and we hit the streets again!!

HIGHLIGHT OF THE NIGHT: As we're walking around and handing out handbills, some random dude recognizes us from a show we did at Suite100 a few months ago and actually starts reciting the song we did!!!! That made my jaw drop, literally!! We're all nuttin' up and laughing like NO SHIT and ole boy is just like: "a memorable performance is something you don't forget" and that touched my heart!!

See THAT's why I do this music shit. Hearing things just like that! Things like that make me feel like I already have succeeded! "Of course there is no formula for success except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings." - Arthur Rubinstein (1886 - 1982)

Walked around until the traffic died down... hit a Coney Island (wanted another cheeseburger with my fatass) and then headed back home. ALL in ALL?? A great night!! Met a bunch of awesome people... seen some old friends... and was pretty damn productive too! haha I dunno what else I could ask for. After a slightly insane weekend... it was a great day today!! The entire day! With everything that's been going on, I've got to keep positive and remain focused on what's important to me. Goes to prove that you can only be as happy as you allow yourself to be. "Reality is something you have to rise above." - Liza Minnelli (1946 - )

It just felt so great to get back out on the streets and hustle CDs and hand out promo and talk to people about music I LOVE IT and I've missed it!!! Yes, life is a little hectic for me right now but I think I'm doing a pretty good job of managing it all. And that's all I can do. "In the end, we can decide if we're remembered for what happened to us or for what we did with it." - Randy K. Milholland

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