Tuesday, June 23

Actions always speak louder than words.

"Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why." - Eddie Cantor (1892 - 1964)

It's obvious that I let things get to me sometimes. I try my hardest to stay positive and stay strong but some things really know how to piss me the fk off hahahah! It's all relative, tho. There's not a whole lot that I can even do about it... just stay focused and keep enjoying my life. I don't have to enjoy others just mine. The rest will fall into place.

I did some errands earlier today, but the rest of my afternoon was pretty uneventful. The weather was beautiful outside, tho... I LOVE DAYS LIKE TODAY. Not too hot... not too cold. Just right for shorts and a tank top.

I got online and did some more planning for the 4th of July trip... and, each day I get MORE and MORE excited!! It'll be so nice to take a little mini vacation from everything, you know?? I've got so much on my heart and mind right now... a few days away from reality is much deserved. Even tho I know when we come back, nothing much is going to have changed haha :-/ blah

H O P E F U L L Y the next two weeks go by fast(er) haha it sounds like I'm gonna be BBQing both days of this coming wkend... once at my sister's house with some friends, and then again at my parent's house with some family. Then, my birthday is next Tuesday... and before you know it- CINCINNATI!!! I just wanna keep my head up and enjoy my b-day extravaganza hahaha!!

My pops went up to our cottage for a few days, so I made some fish-n-chips for me and my mom haha it was nice to chill with her and get a chance to talk. No plans for tonight so since it's still early, I'm gonna go work out for a little bit before it gets dark. Get home, take a shower, and probably read a little bit before I go to bed. Like I said, uneventful day... but fk it! "Life is a great big canvas; throw all the paint on it you can." - Danny Kaye (1913 - 1987)

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