Monday, June 22

If you listen carefully, you will hear.

I've got to start off by saying one thing: GODDAMN I'm in a better mood today haha I don't know what it was about this wkend but I WAS SO DAMN DEPRESSED!! Something must have been in the air. But I woke up today feeling refreshed, and revived.

Sometimes, it's just that easy. "Start every day off with a smile and get it over with." - W. C. Fields (1880 - 1946)

The job interview went great ;-) they kept me there SO LONG tho, haha it was a 2.5hr interview!! I met with 3 different people but I'm pretty positive I got it, so that's good. I felt bad tho, there were 2 older guys applying for the same position and they had their interviews at the same time as me hah too bad I could out work the two of them combined. After I got home from that, I went jogging again.. this time, 4 miles!! It felt great! It's so nice to throw the iPod on... tighten up my laces.. and run so fast that the stress can't even keep up! hah Clear my thoughts a little bit. By the time I get home.. I'm energized, and ready to take on the day.

Like I've said before... it seems like you've always got to replace one routine with another hah and maybe thats the case but regardless I think I'ma start working out again. No gyms or anything... just get some free weights, do some crunchs and push-ups... simple stuff. You'd be surprised how amazing it can make you feel. And it helps me stay disciplined ;-)

I know I've got a LOT going on in my life right now, but I feel like I've been letting my music suffer because of it. I'm gonna make a conscious effort to get into the studio more often, starting tmrw. I've got some things to take care of in the morning, but after that... it's rappin' time!!! I've gotta take it all as inspiration, and do what I do best (well atleast decent) haha I don't need to become famous but I can still enjoy doing the things I love to do. "Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, but as by the obstacles which he has overcome." Booker T. Washington (1856 - 1915)

I played some video games before dinner, and then watched that new movie "Fanboys." I didn't hear much about it before I rented it but IT'S HILARIOUS haha I would definitely recommend it to anybody whose looking for another silly Seth Rogan flick. It's about Star Wars nerds who break into George Lucas' house to steal a copy of the new Star Wars movie before it comes out hahah ridiculous, I know. One thing can be said, Seth Rogan and his little gang of actors are GETTIN' PAID right now!!! They've come out with like, 4 movies a year (atleast) and it's always the same cast. I ain't mad at 'em!!!

In other news... I've started planning my birthday/4th of July weekend. It sounds like we're gonna go back down to Cincinnati for a few days. I had such a blast when I was down there for my cousin's graduation party.. I only wish I had more time to adventure around. So, I'ma go back with a couple friends and catch some of the shit I didn't have time to do on the last trip.. should be incredible!! There's an aquarium, and a comedy club I wanna visit... and I heard about some famous chili restaurant? Fireworks on the river for the 4th... Coney Island amusement park.. museums, Kings island water park, river boat rides, A BUNCH OF STUFF!!! Haha I dunno I gotta look around online some more.. maybe go watch a Cincinnati Red's game?? I dunno but I'm geeked!!!

It's weird that my birthday is coming up so fast!! Remember being a kid, and counting down?! The entire month would go by S O S L O W haha but now? Time flys!!! I'm just excited to see where I'm at a year from now!! "Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age. Nothing does - except wrinkles. It's true, some wines improve with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place." - Abigail Van Buren (1918 - )

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