Sunday, June 7

Home, Sweet home.

"Life's a voyage that's homeward bound." - Herman Melville (1819 - 1891)

As great as it was to take a mini vacation... it feels good to be home!! I'll tell ya what, tho... Cincinnati and Kentucky were awesome!! I'd move down there!!!!!

After the graduation party... me, my sister, and my brother-in-law all went exploring haha. We ended up at this little city called Newport, which is on the water (Kentucky side) and is FULL of shops, restaurants, and bars. They had a huge boardwalk that was pretty much an outdoor shopping mall! I'm talkin' about: Gamworks, clubs, AMC 20, a comedy club, gift shops, Johnny Rockets, an aquarium... TONS of stuff to do!!! We walked around a bit before stopping and getting somethin' to eat. Got a ton of great pictures, too!

This little town was PACKED tho!!! I mean... shoulder to shoulder people! All of em were about 20-29 too, a real young crowd. Turns out, there's 5 college universities with-in 10miles of Newport, and they ALL offer shuttles in and out! THAT'S why it was so damn packed hahaha I guess it's always like that!! Very cool city, to say the least!

They ever have a foot bridge across the river into downtown Cincinnati (which I had all intentions of walking) but since there was a Reds game (fyi: Cincinnati's baseball team) the entire bridge, and city, was PACKED haha so we just enjoyed the night from our side of the water.

Watched the Red Wings stomp some Pittsburg ass into the ice. That was nice. Got back to the hotel room around 2am, watched an extremely overpriced movie and crashed.

The ride home wasn't bad at all (esspecially when you sleep for half of it) haha but we DID stop at a Wafflehouse and got some breakfast/lunch. I got some really good photos... got a little sun... ALL in ALL?? A great trip!! I'd definitely want to go back to Newport again :-)

You know what they say, tho... "A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it." - George Moore

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