Friday, June 12

Give up on a nigga if you wanna.

Yesterday was pretty shitty haha but atleast I woke up in much better spirits today. I gotta remember to not stress the dumbshit. No matter how dumb it is haha. Or how much of it there is. There is ALWAYS gonna be bullshit. And I can't rely on ANYBODY ELSE to make me happy. It's up to ME to be happy. I've gotta keep doin' ME and make sure my Star Player is feelin' great. Because really.. I've got no reason to feel like shit. I'ma great guy... I gotta bright future... I'm healthy and even some-what attractive hah WHAT'S THERE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT?? Some bitches?? Some lames?? Fk them and fk their childish games haha I gotta just keep looking forward. Leave 'em in my rearview mirror.

I'm too good to be stressing all their bullshit. And honestly, whether they realize it or not.. I deserve much better. So I'ma keep swimming. I'ma just keep my chin up, and try and keep my head above water. A boy becomes a man from all the bullshit that he goes thru. And we've got to be confident in everything we do. Not arrogant, tho. Confident. By being arrogant, and thinking you're the best at everything... you only deny yourself the ability to improve. We ALL have weakness. We ALL have our faults. We ALL have room to improve. It's how we HANDLE our faults and weaknesses that determines how STRONG we are.

You've got to be strong.

Speaking of strong.............WINGS GAME TONIGHT?? What the fuck happened??!!! How are we gonna lose Game 7.. at home.. after having a 2-0 lead on the series?! Ergh!!! Well it's whatever I guess haha take it in stride, fellas. Nobody can change the fact that the Wings are a DYNASTY. I'm sure Gary Betmen pulled a couple of strings backstage. ALL sports are politics now. They've been predicting the Penguins to win since PRE-season hahaha fishy huh?? Plus, it's ironic that Pittsburgh owes a couple of million dollars on their arena lease! They've NEEDED some Stanley Cup money. And they couldn't do it last year. I guess it only makes sence they'd take it this year. Especially after all the bullshit officiating.

Oh well. What can ya do??

It's just proof of how hard it is to stay strong when all the odds are stacked against you. It's hard to keep positive when theres so much negativity in the World. But a real man doesn't have a choice. The ONLY thing you have a chance of changing is YOU. And that's it. There's ALWAYS going to be obstacles in your way. Try and think of a time when EVERYTHING was going your way hahahaha IT NEVER DOES!!! School... work... family... friends... relationships... you can NEVER have EVERYTHING running smoothly. But that's Life. All you can do is stay UP and keep GOING. It reminds me of a couple of lines from one of my favorite songs. It goes like this: "might be dead broke now, but I'll ball again. Even if I have to take it to the corner. Might not have a bitch now, but I'll pimp again... you can give up on a nigga if you wanna." - Bohagan

This is completely UNRELATED but I thought it was funny hah! One of my friends (and readers) said it can be annoying how I use so many quotes in my blog haha and to him I replied: "When a thing has been said and said well, have no scruple. Take it and copy it." - Anatole France (1844 - 1924) so there it is hahahah

Speaking of things that are annoying... this poison ivy is killin' me!!! I thought I had it all taken care of... but every morning it reappears somewhere so I'm guessing I got it on some clothes or my sheets or something so today I woke up and STRIPPED my room hahah I literally washed EVERYTHING. I even vacuumed and flipped my mattresses! Yes. I VACUUMED my MATTRESS hahaha I'm not sure what that would do but I figured it wouldn't hurt. Then I spent all day washing every piece of clothing I own hahahaha EVERYTHING. Even the shit I thought was clean. I pulled EVERYTHING out haha outta my dresser outta my closet haha I'm not playin' games anymore! It took my a few hours but I got it all taken care of and HOPEFULLY it solves the problem. It feel like I've been quarantined ha!

Sometimes we all just gotta get cleaned off tho. We gotta step back, and stand underneath the water for a minute or two. Rinse off all the bullshit haha!

After the game we came back to my house and I had some of my boys come over for a little bit... got to see some old faces that I haven't seen in a while it was nice. 8 of us in my garage... stayin' up into the wee hours of the morning.. politicking about Federal Income Tax, and the War on Terrorism, and libertarians etc hahahah what a bunch of fkn nerds I LOVE IT!!!! That's one thing I've got to admit. If you didn't KNOW me or any of my friends, and you'd see us walking by... you'd probably not think much of our conversation. But chances are... we're talking about some REAL LIFE SHIT that would blow your mind hahaha!!! I've seen it before!! There's always SOMEBODY just sitting to the side, watching and listening and TRYING to comprehend wtf is going on haha and why we're all talking like a bunch of madmen! But its really awesome hah I fkn love it!!! I love teaching something to somebody; making connections for them, or explaining something to them... and then watching it completely flip their wig! It's the best-

Time to take my ass to sleep. I've gotta long day tmrw.. hopefully the weathers nice!! I'm suppose to mow the lawn and do some things around the house for my Dad.. then I'm going out for one of my friend's birthdays. Should be a really great time... get a chance to see some more people I haven't seen in FOREVER!! UNTIL NEXT TIME haha adios people! And remember, you've got to: "Live forever or die in the attempt." - Joseph Heller (1923 - 1999)

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