Thursday, June 4

Born of a broken man.

I can't believe the Wings lost again :-(

Oh well I guess they're just trying to build up some suspense haha YEAAAH that must be it. Well, sports aside, I hope you all are doing well atleast. I know, I know, I know... LIFE IS fkn CRAZY hahaha

It's always something, isn't it??

"Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success." - Brian Adams

I think it's real funny how people who try and quit something, always have to replace the original habit (they're trying to quit) with a new, slightly better habit. I don't drink beer anymore, right? But can somebody tell me why I feel thirsty 24/7 now?? I mean... THIRSTY too. Like I'm in a fkn desert or something!! I'll suck down an entire 12 pack of ice teas in a day haha and now it's A&W rootbeer this shit is crack! hahaha

To help quit smoking I chewed gum haha that seems to help pretty well. Not nicotine gum tho because I've a firm believer that if you're going to quit smoking, there is no point maintaining a healthy nicotine addiction thru gum or the patch or anything like that. Just QUIT, already!

But now I've got packs of gum layin' all over the place... reminds me of those Newport boxes you could find hidden all over my house and car and garage hahaha like some sort of sick Easter egg hunt for smokers hahaha

Or empty baggies? hahah EVERYWHERE

People replace all sorts of things like this. Coffee, soda, candy, energy drinks. Even gamblers, workaholics, shopaholics, and sexaholics. If you cut out one of your vices... you almost INSTANTLY replace it with something else haha. You might cut some fatty foods from your diet, and replace it with exercising... but now, your exercise regiment is as addictive and consuming as the McDonalds use to be. Exercise is your new vice.

In many cases, the new vices are BETTER than the old ones. They might be cheaper... or healthier... or legal hah

But can't we ever just live VICELESS?? Without urge? Without craving? Or is it really just our human nature to feel unfulfilled?? hah Maybe we NEED our vices? To add structure to our lives? To add meaning and identity??

I don't know!! I'm just thinking aloud right now. It's weird how things can take a hold of our lives, and wrap their chains around us. Our legs... our arms.. we become tangled and chained to our vices. And, we all walk around.. each and every day.. dragging our vices behind us.

I want to break my chains. I want to be f r e e

But "nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." - Malcolm X (1925 - 1965)

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