Wednesday, June 3

Like a thousand moths in the lampshade.

I've been trying to stay as busy as possible... keep my mind off things, you know?? I have a tendency to over think EVERYTHING hahaha so if I can even get a FEW minutes of peace it's nice. I've noticed that karma really is a bitch, tho.

Freal hahah and I can't even take her on a date

Maybe it's me being completely disillusion, BUT I can see how things I've done in the past have come back to bite me in the ass. NO JOKE! It's even very similar situations.. just flipped on me. Things I thought I would "get away with" haha

But that's life.

"What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing." - Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900) that's me alright haha

I still haven't had a chance to get back in the booth and record some new songs. I think this is the LONGEST I've gone without recordings since..... jail? Damn. That can't be right, but it FEELS that long. However, I got a call today from an old promoter I use to work with. He booked me up for two dates in July so that's cool I'll have some shows comin' up. Just doesn't feel the same, you know?? Don't get me wrong I LOVE MAKING MUSIC-

I've just got new priorities now.

I've been spending a lot of time at home, with family. Kinda been a loner haha so if you haven't seen me in FOREVER don't take it personal hah I've been low key as fk. Whenever I go out I want to get back into my old bad habits hahaha the idea of going to a bar and NOT drinking atleast A beer :-/ ha but it's cool it just takes self control. And time.

A peaceful heart, and disciplined mind. These are the only tools I need.

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