Friday, May 29

Who could have guessed??

Sometimes, we all have a way of letting ourselves down. It can be small things.... little things that may ruin your day. Or it can be large, devastating things.

Me? I'm guilty of both. I've done some things in the past that I'm ashamed of. And I also do some stupid stuff on a day-to-day basis too ha. But we can't focus on how we let ourselves down.. instead we need to focus on how we can build ourselves up.

"True happiness arises (in the first place) from the enjoyment of one's self." - Joseph Addison (1672 - 1719) you've got find peace in your life or you will never find yourself peaceful. It's so easy to get distracted by the mistakes you've made. But by doing that, you're only re-making those mistakes. You're giving them the power to control your entire life!! NO I'm not saying blow everything off but once you've examined something you've got to move on. You've got to get over it. If you don't... it'll eat you alive!

With each and every day... we are faced with a new challenge. Some, easier than others. But if we never see these challenges through, we will be hunted by them every time we wake up.

Sometimes, I am my own worst enemy. My biggest critic. And I've realized that MY mistakes can affect a lot of other people in the process. It's fkd up but life is a learning experience and THAT'S IT if you don't learn anything along the way then you'll never graduate.

You don't have to be in school, but each year you've still got to graduate your life. Do something bigger and better than the year before.

Sometimes it feels like we failed a year doesn't it haha? And there we are... right back in the same stupid desk we were sitting at allll last year. Some people get stuck in that desk for the rest of their lives!! It's crazy to think about where you will be 10 years from now... and what you'll be doing.

But trust me-

If you DON'T think about those things... then you'll have no choice in the matter. You've got to have a plan. You need a 1 year plan. A 5 year plan. Even a 10 year plan. WHERE do you see yourself, and WHAT do you see yourself doing? Those are the questions you need to answer. Because nobody can answer them for you. People can offer suggestions... or maybe push you in the right direction.

But we stand on our own two feet. We walk in our own shoes, and we sleep in our own sheets.

This isn't utopia, tho. Every day is going to bring a struggle and you've got no other option than to forge on. "We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world." - Helen Keller (1880 - 1968) so with that being said, I must continue forward. That's all any of us can do.

Ain't life crazy? Who could have guessed??

All I can do is follow the advice of William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) who once said: "Love all. Trust few. Do wrong to none." Maybe then, I will find myself on the road to Zion.

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