Saturday, May 30

Finally in the finals..

I woke up today and got suited and booted. I was determined to get as many jobs as I could. Don't get me wrong I like my new gigs but I want more!

One of my friends has rented a 2009 G6 for the weekend so he swooped my and my cousin up and we went job hunting! I turned in about 10 applications hahaha and then we went over to my uncle's house to catch up with him for a minute.

After that, ended up just watching this Red Wings game at my crib.... GO WINGS!! It's so awesome to watch the home team win hahaha the Wings are such a dynasty! It's inspiring!! What a great display of team work, and self-discipline. "We improve ourselves by victories over ourself. There must be contests, and you must win." - Edward Gibbon (1737 - 1794)

Every single day, we wake up in a warzone. Each morning brings a new battle, of the mind and body. "Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win." - Sun-tzu (~400 BC) we must be READY for war. We must take on each and every day HEAD to HEAD! Crawl into the trenches and run towards the front line! We must take on each minute of our life with personal conviction and we must FIGHT our demons!!

But, we must always remember that the fight itself is more memorable than the dance in the winner's circle. "The moment of victory is much too short to live for." - Martina Navratilova (1956 - ) we must embrace the STRUGGLE we face, and love the pain it brings us.

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