Monday, May 18

Wait!! Nobody likes a quitter, right?

If we left our lives, and everything important up to "fate" or "God's will," I think our world would come to a halt. We would freeze up. And, we'd rot. Taking away the only TRUE power we've ever been given. The authority over our own decisions.

At times, it feels like we have no authority over our own lives. Like we have no choices. It can be depressing. It'll make you feel like a fish outta water. It'll put you in a terrible mood, and can paralyze your daily life. Trust me, I've been there before.

But it's moments like this, that make you realize how truly powerful you are as an individual! You may not always be given the choices you want in life... but moral and spiritually this reality is whatever you make it. And, if you just sit yourself on the side lines and watch it go on, then you'll never put yourself in a position to score. Even in a team sport. You've got to coach yourself through life's stickiest situations. You've got to play the game.

To help me clear my mind.. I've been reading a lot of quotes. I find 'em motivational. Inspirational. It's crazy to think of the POWER a few short sentences can hold. Even when taken out of context! I found one today I want to share with you.. "Don't reserve your best behavior for special occasions. You can't have two sets of manners, two social codes - one for those you admire and want to impress, another for those whom you consider unimportant. You must be the same to all people." - Lillian Eichler Watson

I started really thinking about this. In a way, we ALL do this. We have our natural behavior we use when we are around friends or family that we are comfortable with. Then, we also have a secondary attitude for those we try to impress. Those at school, or work. The opposite sex.

But if you really tried IMPRESSING everybody you came in contact with.. you would be a different person. And, I'm not just talking about some superficial, pretentious bullshit. Fk your clothes and fk your car honestly, I'm talking about actually i m p r e s s i n g somebody.

Suuuure.. we'd all like to thiiink we're impressive haha right? But, it's all about what you're trying to do.. and how you're doing it. Life is what you make of it. And you've got to realize that, in your life.. there is nobody that is more powerful than you are! You have the ability to just walk around and exist.. OR, you can live each day trying to impress everybody you meet!