Tuesday, May 19

It feels nice to take an honest fresh breathe.

Today, I spent my free time doing all the old stuff I use to love to do hah! Rollerblading... making beats... even busted out this old computer game I use to play all the time haha. It's the small things that will make you smile. And it's the little hobbies and activities that keep my mind (and time) occupied. Make it easier to be positive.

I've realized it's that simple. All you have to do is decide that, today, is going to be a good day. Think about it: when somebody asks you "how are you are doing?" or "how your day is going?"... it's up to YOU to answer. You can either be negative. Or you can be positive. You can literally choose how you feel. And, the way you answer those questions, will change how you feel for the rest of the day!!

I just stumbled across a great quote that I want to share with you. "The trick is to make sure you don't die waiting for prosperity to come." - Lee Iacocca (1924 - alive)

How true is that?! Hahaha I've decided to MOVE and take ACTIONS to get me closer to where I want to be in life. You've got to. Nobody is going to push you across the finish line. Nobody is going to carry you through the maze. You've got to get up on your own two damn feet, and do something positive in your life!! "If you have a talent, use it in every which way possible! Don't hoard it!! Don't dole it out like a miser. Spend it lavishly like a millionaire intent on going broke!" - Brendan Francis.

Just another 24 hrs at a time :-) I'm clean.. I feel great.. and I am excited to become the changes I see in my life. I feel blessed right now. Truly focused, and blessed.

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