Thursday, May 21

Late night blogging is good for you.

MAN time flies, doesn't it? I look up and BOOM it's already midnight haha and I completely forgot to blog today. I know, I know... big deal, huh hahah I'm sure you're all over it. I actually had a really nice day today. Woke up kinda late but got things going right outta the bed. My morning workout was good... couldn't ask for any better weather! It feels really nice to be active again ha. And, it's a really good release of aggression too haha for 40mins I don't have to answer to ANYBODY!! It's great-

Got my schedule all taken care of and I start my new job tmrw!! Sorry to everybody in Michigan whose unemployed but I HAD TO DO IT haha I can't stand not working!! Sitting around all day drives me nuts! I love staying busy with whatever I can haha I wanna get a 3rd job!!!!!

Today I had two quotes really inspire me.. both I'd like to share with you. The first is from Wilson Mizner (1876 - 1933) and he said: "God help those who do not help themselves." and I think this one really spoke to my recent decision to stay sober. I know that there are always going to be times when you need help but... you constantly need to be trying to help yourself, too. And, not in a selfish demeanor. But by demanding the respect your life deserves. By living your life to the fullest and never holding yourself back. By knowing what you are worth, and accepting no less. These are the ways that we can help ourselves.

The other quote that touched my heart was from Franklin P. Adams (1881 - 1960) and it goes right along with my life at the moment. It's short. It's sweet. And, I think it does a great job illustrating a point. "To error is human; to forgive, infrequent."

It's one of those "he without sin, shall cast the first stone" things to me. How can you not forgive somebody when you, yourself, have been so angry and bitter with the consequences of your own mistakes?? That's the thing. We've all made mistakes. Some of us have made the SAME mistakes. Some of us have made the same mistakes MORE THAN ONCE. But "he without sin, shall cast the first stone" and, I'm not tossin' a damn one! I'm not completely proud of my past. I've stolen. I've lied. I've cheated. Hell, I've got two DUIs and I'm only 22. I've made plenty of mistakes in my life. But I'm learning the great humility in apologizing. And, forgiving. The tremendous power it gives you to forgive, or apologize to another person is incredible. It puts everything into your palms; and, it allows you to right your wrongs.

It allows you to correct your pasts. And, fix your futures.

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