Sunday, May 31

It's just another well-oiled machine.

It's so easy to worry about the small details; but really, you've got to always focus on the bigger picture. "Organized crime in America takes in over forty billion dollars a year and spends very little on office supplies." - Woody Allen (1935 - )

I haven't been writing/rapping as much as I use to haha which isn't a bad thing but it isn't a good thing either. I guess I have just been finding other ways to vent my stress (such as this blog) but still I think I need to spend a few hours in the studio tmrw.

I can't lose my spark, right?? ;-)

I woke up pretty early today and went to Dave & Busters with a couple of friends. Now, if you don't know what Dave & Busters is.... well goddamn! It's like a Chuck-E-Cheeze for adults haha so we went and got some food and played some arcade games haha felt like a little kid for a couple hours it was nice...

You know what they say: "Nothing’s better than the wind to your back, the sun in front of you, and your friends beside you." - Aaron Douglas Trimble

Came home, chilled around the house with my parents and watched the Red Wings whoop some more ass!!! hahaha HAS ANYBODY ELSE NOTICED THAT WE'VE FOUGHT ALL BIRDS???? The Mighty Ducks... the Black Hawks... and now, the Penguins!! hahaha

It doesn't matter WHO we're faced up with.. the Red Wings win with such pose and professionalism! An entire team of talented, considerate team-mates.. who all LOVE the game of hockey!!! It takes POWER to win with grace like that. A real passion for the game. To be a good sportsman... and; to hold the other team in the palm of your hand, and softly snuff them out with a smile?? That's POWER. "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." - Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

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