Monday, June 1

When people use to live for life.

Things are so drastically different now. Think about how people use to live WAYYY back in time... when the meaning of life was survival. They built their own shelters. They made their own clothes. They hunted their own food. They protected their families from wild beasts and diseases.

Those were the days, weren't they??

They certainly didn't blog, hahah!! They were PROVIDERS. Not just consumers.

"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain." - John Adams (1735 - 1826)

And now look at us. Allllll the great minds of the past... and alllllll the hard work, and inventions, and wars waged in our name. Waged in the name of a God. And for what??? Cheese in a can, Diet sugar-free zero calorie soda, and edible woman's panties? We've designed our own demise!! Nobody even has to MOVE! We can just sit our fat asses in our Laz-E-Boy chair, and order delivery on our i-Phones.

We don't even have to know where we're going, these days! I'm sure you've seen these people... NO idea where they are headed or how to get there.... i-Phone glued to their hands, eyes glued to the screen. These folks would be useless if the batteries on their little contraption died. They wouldn't even know where to start!! That's why it gets dangerous. We've left even the most BASIC functions up to a computer. At first, it was just fun. And, convenient!

But now, we've completely stopped learning the most basic skills and trades, just because a COMPUTER can do it for us. Nobody has to remember SHIT now.... because, the almighty Google know it's all.

God bless Google, right???

And what more can I ask for?? There is no going back in time. This life.. these politics... this World. It's already been corrupted. "A sound mind in a sound body. A short, but full description of a happy state in this world." - John Locke (1632 - 1704) That's all I'm looking for. A sound mind, in a sound body.

I can't even tell what's real anymore. Even our relationships with each other have become so artificial, and calculated. MySpace? Facebook?? What ever happened to conversation. Like; REAL conversation making. With REAL people?? Is that such an idea of the past??? We've stripped our friendships down to "comments" and "messages" is that it now? People who have been best friends for YEARS.. slip away and now only keep in contact thru some stupid fkn machines.

It's a joke.

I'm convinced. Nano-technology is going to be the death of us, folks. And, we have nobody to blame but ourselves!

Our dumb, apathetic selves.

But wtf are WE gonna do??? I got in to a little conversation about that today. And, about Barrak. Not a debate just a conversation. And I was trying to explain my point of view on politicians.. which is that they're all bullshit. Democrats and Republicans alike. Even "independents" haha they're all bullshit.

And you can't bullshit a bullshitter. This country was bought and paid for YEARS ago. This garbage they shuffle around every four years?? It's just a bunch of nonsense to keep us distracted from how badly we're all getting fkd by the top 1%

These "candidates" are hand selected and endorsed by powerful international bankers. The people who control HOW MUCH OUR MONEY IS WORTH try and imagine that kind of influence. These are the creme de la creme. The cream of the crop. And, they have so much money it means nothing to them. They want power.

So they play international politics, like you or I would play chess. Only; instead of moving around little plastic kings and pawns... they shape policy and opinion by moving around REAL men with REAL money. This isn't monopoly. It's a perfect example of incrimentalism.

That's the idea that... you don't have to control all 30 billion people on this planet to control "the World" all you have to do is control a handful of the most important and influential people. From that, they will (in turn) control their own handful of people and so on.

Before you know it, 4 or 6 people have spread their agenda to MILLIONS. Effective and efficient. And VERY realistic, unfortunately.


And in this hierarchy of power... honestly... the President of the United States is MAYBE on the 5th or 6th rung hahah that mfkr is a puppet. He's not the guy DECIDING how the World is run... he's simply the guy chosen to tell America whats going on. He has no power trying to de-throne this top 1% because they are responsible for getting Barrak where he is. You can't bite the hand that feeds you.

America (and the World) was sick of George W. Bush, and anything that smelled like him. We wanted the LEAST old white man we could get!! And the 1% knew this they're not stupid. Even old white Republicans wanted something different.

So we were given the best of both Worlds. It was almost like a "alright shut up already"

Do you want the first WOMAN president, or the first BLACK president?!? Neither of them remind us of George W. Bush, right???? I mean... it's going to be DIFFERENT now, right?? Everything is going to CHANGE!!

Too bad that Clinton, Obama, AND McCain were all paid for by the same large multinational corporates. Go back, and look at who contributed to their campaigns. The same lobbys. The same constituents. The same international bankers. WHY WOULD THAT HAPPEN THO??

Because, it's really hard to lose when you play for every team.

You've got to understand that people wouldn't even GET FAR ENOUGH for you to cast a vote for them... IF, they weren't already approved by this top 1%

THEY decide who they want to run this country... and then they pump enough money, media attention, and rhetoric into their campaign until we all agree and vote them in hahah like it was OUR choice or something haha

"All power corrupts, but we need the electricity." - Unknown

Thats why I laugh when I see these bumper stickers that are like: "SAVE OUR PLANET" haha the planet is gonna be just fine we need to save OURSELVES!

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