Saturday, May 23

But the feelings remain.

DAMN it's late and I almost forgot to blog today haha WHADDUP EVERYBODY though! The new job is going really good AND ACTUALLY on my way to work I stopped at a Burger King for some breakfast. While I'm waiting at the counter for my food, I started shooting the shit with the manager on duty. She says she really likes my personality and tells me: if I shave my beard, she'll hire me in for a management position!! Never expected that but HELL YEAH so I'm about to get them my resume and get my ass a 2nd job!!

I'm just gonna chill out and hang around the house tonight... play some video games with the fellas. Been super exhausted haha havn't even gone skating this weekend my legs are KILLIN' me!! My left knee, and my right ankle. Awesome, huh? I'ma just tryn take it easy-

I've been getting a lot of emails about the blog and THATS AWESOME you guys have been reading and enjoying it. Hope it's not just a bunch of rambling haha I'm a scatterbrain sometimes!

Either way, the messages have been encouraging and I appreciate all the feedback and support! It'd be cool if we could ALL learn something from this experience. Maybe trigger a conversation we might not have ever had. Maybe lead you to reflect a little bit more on yourself or your situations. I dunno life is crazy hah never thought I'd have blog fans but THANK YOU everybody! This stupid little screen has become therapy for me. hah

I've really started thinking about this sobriety though and how life changing it can be for me. Nothing BAD comes from being sober hah! I definitely don't have much to lose by trying! I mean it can't hurt, you know? I've spent the better half of 3 years either drunk or stoned (or often both) hah it's been nice to take a seat back and TAKE EVERYTHING IN. I'm the same person I've always been. The drugs and the alcohol didn't "make me" or my identity as much as I thought they did. I'm the same exact guy (go figure hah) except maybe a little less aggravated and I've got more money in my pocket haha. I'm probably a bit more athletic, and maybe even a little better at math HAHAHA! But, essentially.. I'm the same person. Same sence of humor. Same creativity. Same knowledge (maybe even remember it a little bit better now haha) I'm the same guy!

I'm not saying this because anybody has made me feel different.. I'm just thinking out loud..

For being a beer drinkin' pothead it's been pretty easy to chill out and be sober. Almost easier than I thought? Which isn't to say I NEVER think about smoking a cigarette or drinking a beer and smokin' a joint haha but IT'S MANAGEABLE! And that's the honest truth!!

And I'm learning that; if you break ANYTHING down.. it's manageable. If you just take it 24 hours at a time, you can take on everything in front of you. All you've got to do is know what kind of person you WANT TO BE and then consciously spend time each day to become that person! If that means dieting and working out... or quitting bad habits... or reading more... or going to school... or going to work... or saving your money... or practicing a sport or instrument......

Wherever you want to be; that's where you need to walk towards. And, since nobody has invented a time machine you can only live life at the same speed as the rest of us. One second of one minute of one hour at a time.

One day at a time.

"A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval." - Mark Twain (1835 - 1910) Everybody has things that they are self conscious about but sometimes that's good because it gives us things to improve on! Self consciousness is only harmful when it's something you have no control over. In which case GET THE FK OVER IT because nobody is perfect. Nothing is perfect. Imperfections are what make you YOU

Once you learn to fall in love with yourself, and you embrace your unique qualities and personality... you will be able to shine brilliantly! Like the brightest star in the sky; everybody will see you as soon as you walk into the room! You will illuminate the entire crowd regardless of where you go.

You will glow!

We're all different levels of "socially awkward." Some better than others. For some, it's certain groups. For some, it's simply numbers. For some people, they're only uncomfortable in new situations.

But it's different for everybody.

Some of us adjust very quickly. Some of us don't even need to adjust much at all. And, then some just never adjust ha. It's allllll about how comfortable you are WITH YOUR SELF!!! Walk this world with confidence, and she will treat you like royalty. Be humble. Be honest. Be patient (something I still have to get better at hah) and be fair. Be passionate. Be observant. "Men are born with two eyes, but only one tongue; in order that they should see twice as much as they say." - Charles Caleb Colton (1780 - 1832) Keep your eyes open and follow your heart!! "A great mind is much like a parachute. It only works well when it's open!" Everything in life happens for a reason. How you react determines how enjoyable things are.

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