Tuesday, June 30

It's my birthday, I can blog if I want to!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME haha yea yea yea I know. It feels great to have another year under my belt, now. SO MUCH has happened to me in the past year. Too much to even begin describing in some stupid blog (thats forsure) ha :-/

Some great, some terrible, some you would expect... but that's life. It's nuts how we can look back and say: "wow, a year ago I would have never guessed this is where I'd be." But we never sit back like: "I bet, a year from now... THIS is going to happen." haha

Isn't life ironic?

It definitely was a lonely birthday, but that was to be expected. Shit. I'ma grown man now it ain't all about clowns and house parties and presents. Although, that would be nice hah. Now-a-days... your birthday is just another day. As much as I want to climb to the top of a mountain and S C R E A M: "hey it's my birthday, bitches!!" hahaha to the rest of the World..? It's just Tuesday, June 30th.

The whole idea of birth is pretty mind-blowing to me. Especially right now. "We are born charming, fresh and spontaneous.. but must be civilized before we are fit to participate in society." - Judith Martin, (Miss Manners)

My sister is about to take me out for dinner once she gets off work. Should be nice. We haven't had some 1-on-1 brother/sister time in a while. She's so busy with her life and finance and I'm obviously busy as hell, too... but whenever we get together we usually catch back up to speed on things ha. "No matter where you live, brothers are brothers and sisters are sisters. The bonds that keep family close are the same no matter where you are." - Takayuki Ikkaku

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